Society of Saint Pius X


We sincerely apologize for the delay of this issue of Communicantes caused by our moving to Winnipeg last September. We will do our best to catch up before the end of next June. The issue No. 5 will be printed in January 2000. We wish to all a holy season of Advent. Father Dominique De Vriendt


By Father Jacques Emily, District Superior

My dear Faithful,

You are Catholics, and members of the Church! As such, you must necessarily know what the Church, your Mother, teaches you, not only so that it guides you to Heaven, but also so as to protect you from the errors which have been spread for centuries by the enemies of the Church! Saint Pius X said : "Ignorance of things divine is the main cause of the present depression, and of the weakness of souls and of the serious troubles which follow." The Church, however, has warned us, through the voice of its Popes, that the greatest danger possible to the Church is the infiltration of its enemies in its very heart, and of the worse errors that can be imagined to sink the ship of Peter: Modernism.

The Revolutionaries are inside the Church "What makes it imperative that we discuss this without delay, is that these creators of errors are hiding. They're hiding, and it's a subject of apprehension and deep concern, in the bosom of the Church, enemies all the more dangerous, because they are less open. We are speaking here, honorable Brothers, of a large number of lay Catholics, and what is worse, of priests, who, under the guise of loving the Church, very short on philosophy and serious theology, steeped on the other hand in the venom of errors taken from the adversaries of the Catholic faith, pose, without modesty whatsoever, as artisans in the renewal of the Church; who, in very concerted effort, attack everything, even the most sacred, of the works of Jesus-Christ, with no respect for His person whom they demean by reducing Him to the status of a simple human being."

"Enemies of the Church, they are, certainly, and to say that there are none worse, is not straying from the truth. It is not from the outside but from the inside of the Church that they are planning its ruin" (St. Pius X, Pascendi, September 8t",1907).

This serious warning from Saint Pius X cannot be taken lightly. The clergy and the faithful can no longer ignore this terrible danger facing the Church, and which is destroying it from within. It is therefore legitimate for Catholics to prepare a defense and a counter-attack of the citadel of the Church, against its enemies from the outside (the communists), and those from inside, (the modernists). If those who were confirmed as soldiers for Christ, and those who carry the crozier to chase or destroy the wolves who entered the sheepfold, if they have begun to negotiate deals with the enemy, thinking that the wolf has become a sheep, just because it is dressed like one, our Catholic Church is finished.

Our Lord had warned us, however: "Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as harmless sheep, but are wolves, and will tear you apart" (Matth. 7, 15). St. Paul spoke much the same language to the Bishops of Ehpesius: "Take heed to yourselves and to the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit has placed you as bishops, to rule the Church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood. I know well that after I leave you, false teachers, like vicious wolves, will appear among you, not sparing the flock" (Act. 20, 28-29).

One can therefore realize that the warnings of Saint Pius X, early in this century are not something new. They are quite similar to those just quoted in the Gospel, and they reflect the continuous conflict between light and darkness, between the Church of Jesus-Christ and the enemies of the Cross.

One would have to be blind and very naive to think that, during the twentieth century, humanity having reached adulthood, and man having become reasonable, the Church would no longer have to battle its enemies, because they have given up the fight.

Who cannot readily see that governments continue attacking the Catholic Church in the most ferocious manner, with their diabolical laws on divorce, abortion, "rights" given to sodomy, sexual corruption of children through school and television?

Who cannot see greater persecution of the Church in the Communist and Moslem countries? Who cannot see the devastation caused by Modernism at the very heart of the Church: loss of faith, of vocations, of religious practice?

Pope John XXIII's naivety Saint Pius X was right to warn us! Unfortunately, his warnings were not taken seriously. Quite the opposite. They were set aside, and measures were taken to allow new and modern ideas to enter the Church, under the pretext of opening the Church to the world, and adapting it to modern man. This was the famous `aggiornamento' of the Church. On October 11th, 1950, during his opening address to the 2nd Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII contradicted the warnings of Saint Pius X in these words: "These prophets of doom, who always predict catastrophes, as if the world was coming to an end" (John XXIII, Opening Address of Vatican II).

Pope Saint Pius X, on the other hand, said quite the opposite, on the day following his election as Supreme Pontiff" ' Whosoever weighs these things is entitled to fear that such a perversion of the minds is but a beginning of the evils foretold for the end of times, like their first arrival on earth, and that truly, the "son of perdition" spoken of by the Apostle, is now among us" (E Supremi Apostolatus, Oct. 1903).

One easily notices the two opposed views of these two popes, when looking at the serious problems of their times, and the increasing attacks of the enemies of the Church against everything that carries the name of Christian. On the one hand, Saint Pius X, the good shepherd, protects his sheep from wolves, warns them of the dangers, and strikes the wolves with his crozier by condemning the errors.

He says: "So great is the boldness, and so great is the rage seen everywhere in the attack on religion, on dogmas of faith that are being questioned everywhere, on the relationship between man and God which are being nullified wherever possible!"(E Supremi Apostolatus).

"With what rage, with what frenzy, are Jesus-Christ and His Church being attacked, these days! What danger, therefore, for a great number of people, there is in allowing themselves to be led into errors, and then to lose their faith!. . . Surely, we shouldn't wait for the attacks against the Church to stop" (Ad Diem I Ilum, February 2nd, 1904).

On the other hand, John XXIII assure us that the danger is not that great, that we must not see, in "the situation of the present society, only ruins and calamities", that our age is "no worse than the previous centuries", that today's man is more reasonable, and that condemning errors is no longer required! Those are, exactly, the words he used in his opening address to the Vatican II Council, in which he adds: "Today, the Bride of Christ prefers to resort to the remedy of mercy rather than having recourse to severity. She believes that, rather than condemning, she prefers to promote the richness of the doctrine."

This false reasoning attempts to justified the unwillingness to fight the enemies of the Church. As merciful as she must be, in the footsteps of her Master, the Church must condemn the partisans of error who hinder her work for the salvation of souls. If, then, the Church must condemn, here on earth, She does it using much mercy, so that those who have strayed are not condemned to the Divine Tribunal, because She knows Jesus' terrible warning: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; but whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark, 15, 16).

Hasn't Jesus himself used the whip to expel the merchants from the Temple, and hasn't He warned us of what the Father would do if the vinegrowers attacked His Son and put Him to death? "The Father will come, and destroy these vinegrowers and give the vines to others" (Luke, 20, 16).

So, under the pretext of mercy, John XXIII drops the weapon of severity at the feet of the modernists - the greatest enemies of the Church, who have infiltrated its very heart, to destroy it from within. "Certainly, (continues the Pope), there is no shortage of false opinions, of dangers .... but . . , today, man appears to be starting to condemn them by himself'.

With all the respect we owe the Holy Father, this opinion reflects pure utopian thinking, and sad naivety! "Man is more and more convinced", Pope John XXIII tell us, "that the dignity and the perfection of the human being are very important values, which require great effort." This assertion is worthy of the Masons, as it tells us nothing of the factors on which human dignity depends. St. Plus X, tells us with no hesitation: "There is only one human dignity, it is catholic dignity".

John XXIII, in advance, condemns the condemnation of Mgr. Lefebvre!

It is interesting here to note that John XXIII reveals to us in 1902, that the Church, as a result of the new spirit of the Council, will no longer condemn its enemies. It is however in the name of this same spirit of the Council that the authorities will condemn, a few years later, not the enemies of the Church, but the Catholics attached to Tradition! How can anyone not notice how illogical this attitude is, and how inconsistent and terrible this ecumenical liberalism of Vatican II? As a matter of fact, we are in our right to remind the authorities in Rome that John-Paul II's attempt to condemn Mgr. Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X in 1988, was itself condemned and disavowed in advance by Pope John XXIII at the opening of the Council! We are, in effect, according to his wishes, the ones who "best fill the needs of our times, who place the greatest value on the richness of doctrine, and who, on our own, condemn the false opinions and doctrines, the dangers . . ." If, perchance, the Pope had something to reproach Mgr. Lefebvre, would it not, according to John XXIII's criteria, have been the correct thing to do, to have recourse to the remedy of "Mercy" rather than bran

Opening speech of the Council: Speech-programme!

This opening speech by Pope John XXIII reveals many things. It gives the tone to what will be the Spirit of Vatican II. It is a type of introduction which tells us the direction in which the activities of the Council will go, namely: to promote the notion of the dignity of the human being, so as to build on it the freedom of religion and, through freedom of religion, ecumenism, and through it, the dissolution of the very identity of the Catholic Church, and the exclusivity of its mission for the salvation of man, in a word, the dissolution of the divinity of Jesus-Christ. (to be continued)

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