Coast to Coast

Sundre, Alberta
Pilgrimage to Shrine of St. Joseph: May 20 - 23, 2004

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Bishop blessing religious articles

Nearing St. Joseph's Shrine

bishop and priests at the luncheon table

Accompanying van carrying pilgrims' belongings

the newly confirmed

Shrine of St. Joseph

We arrived near the shrine on Saturday evening. On Sunday
we had Solemn Mass, followed by a barbeque.

Five priests and four seminarians participated in the pilgrimage.
The four seminarians are those to be ordained in June.
From the left: Rev. Mr. Goldadi, Rev. Mr. Thomas, Fr. Herkel, Fr. Fullerton,
Fr. Violette, Fr. Angele, Fr. De Vriendt, Rev. Mr. Lester, and Rev. Mr. Maganya.

The feast after the long walk included steak and a roast pig

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