Superior General's Letters

His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay

  Mass Centres
  Precious Blood
 Superior's Ltrs
 General's Ltrs
  Rosary Clarion
  For the Clergy
  Coast to Coast
May 1, 2010
  Superior General's Letter # 76
A new movement of reform in the Catholic Church and the violent blows dealt to the Supreme Pontiff. The outcome of the Twelve Million Rosaries Crusade and its meaning.
Oct. 15, 2009
  Press Release
Appointed representatives announced for the theological discussions of the Society of St. Pius X with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Oct. 11, 2009
  Superior General's Letter # 75
Penance and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary are needed together with prayer to fight the war of the unbelievers which rages harder than ever.
Jun. 15, 2009
  Interview with Bishop Fellay
by Fr Rosica of Salt and Light Television
Apr. 12, 2009
  Superior General's Letter # 74
A third rosary crusade: for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and all the Bishops of the world spiritual bouquet form 
Jan. 27, 2009
  Press Release
Concerning Bishop Williamson's Interview
Jan. 24, 2009
  Press Release and full Letter
Decree signed for the removal of the excommunication on the four bishops
of the SSPX
Jan. 20, 2009
  Outcome of the Perpetual Rosary Crusade
for excommunication to be withdrawn
Oct. 23, 2008
  Superior General's Letter # 73
A second rosary crusade: for the withdrawl of the decree of excommunication
spiritual bouquet form 
Apr. 14, 2008
  Superior General's Letter # 72
Why the SSPX still cannot sign an agreement with Rome,
even considering the motu proprio
Nov. 1, 2007
  Perpetual Rosary Crusade
For excommunication to be withdrawn and that Catholic Tradition be fully re-established
Jul. 7, 2007
  Press Release
Regarding the release of the motu proprio
Jul. 7, 2007
  Letter of the Superior General of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X
Regarding the release of the motu proprio
Jul. 16, 2006
  Bishop Fellay's Letter to the Faithful
A after the General Chapter of 2006
Jul. 16, 2006
  Declaration Of The General Chapter
Sep. 2005
  Superior General Letter # 68
  Interview With Bishop Fellay
Concerning His Meeting With Pope Benedict XVI
Apr. 20, 2005
  Election of the new Sovereign Pontiff
Apr. 2, 2005
  Press Release re death of Pope John Paul II
Jun. 18, 2004
  Superior General Letter # 66
Jan. 31, 2004
  Exclusive Interview with His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay
  From Ecumenism to Silent Apostasy 
Dec. 8, 2003
  Superior General Letter # 65
Jan.21, 2002
  Statement of Bishop Bernard Fellay
Concerning the interdenominational day of prayer in Assisi on 24th January 2002
Jan. 16, 2002
  Press Release
With respect to the priests of Campos
Nov., 2001
Oct. 9 2001
  Communiqué from Bishop Fellay
About news from Fatima October 7
Jun. 29, 2001
  Sermon of Bishop Fellay
May 5, 2001
  Superior General Letter # 60
Oct. 29, 2000
  Concerning Dominus Jesus
Jun. 26, 2000
  Remarks on third secret of Fatima
  An interview with Bishop Fellay
Regarding Fraternity of St. Peter and the Jubilee year