Coast to Coast

Calgary, Alberta
Fr. Mery's 25th Anniversary of Ordination: June 29, 2004

Fr. Mery with priests and servers on front steps

On Tuesday, June 29th, the Feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul, Fr. Freddy Mery celebrated his 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Present were Fathers Jean Violette (District Superior of Canada), Gerard Rusak, Carl Sulzen, Patrick Girouard, and Stephen Somerville. There was a Solemn High Mass followed by a reception. Fr. Violette gave a sermon on the necessity of priests, Fr. Mery's fidelity and how a priest must live a life of sacrifice. At the reception, Fr. thanked all the faithful for attending, and emphasized that it is Our Lord's priesthood which needs to be remembered on such
occasions. Congratulations to Fr. Mery!

Fr. Rusak and Fr. Mery enter the church

Fr. Violette delivers the sermon

Fr. Mery prepares to give Holy Communion to the faithful

Frs. Girourd, Rusak and Mery leave the church

Attending priests at head table

the cake

Fr. Mery cuts the cake


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