Coast to Coast

Toronto, Ontario
Perpetual engagements to the Society of St. Pius X - December 8, 2004

On Dec. 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, in the presence of Fr. Jean Violette, District Superior of Canada, Fr. Carl Sulzen and Fr. Jean de l'Estourbeillon made their perpetual engagements to the Society of St. Pius X. It was Archbishop Lefebvre's request that engagements throughout the Society are made on this day. As Seminarians, they made their engagements to become official members of the Society. Only after making a 3 year engagement at least twice, and with the permission of the Superior General, can a member make their perpetual engagement. Please keep these and all members of the Society of St. Pius X in your prayers.

Fr. de l'Estourbeillon holds missal for Fr.  Sulzen

Fr. de l'Estourbeillon and Fr.  Sulzen make their engagements

Confirmations in Toronto


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