Coast to Coast

Langley, British Columbia
Confirmations - March 13, 2004

During his first visit to Canada, His Excellency Bishop de Galarreta honoured us with a visit for confirmations. We were all impressed by his gentle mannerism and inspiring words for those about to be confirmed. He was assisted in his visit by Fr. Jean Violette, District Superior in Canada, and Frs. Boulet and Herkel, pastors to the Langley church. Br. Lefebvre from Vernon, B.C. and Sr. Mary Catherine of the SSPX oblates (a vocation of this parish) were also present. It was the first time that our humble parish had seen so many religious together at once. What a consolation!

Fr. Violette and Bishop de Galereta

Fr. Violette translates the preconfirmation sermon of
His Excellency Bishop de Galarreta.

Krista listens attentively.


The confirmations

bishop, priests and altar boys

An address by His Excellency after the confirmations.

the newly confirmed

The newly confirmed with the bishop, priests and altar boys.

bishop and priests at the luncheon table

Frs. Herkel and Violette, Bishop de Galarreta, Fr. Boulet and Br. Lefebvre

Bishop blessing religious articles

Bishop de Galarreta blesses some confirmation gifts.


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