Coast to Coast

Toronto, Ontario
Lenten Mission - March 8 - 12, 2004

preaching from the pulpit

From Monday, March 8th to Friday, March 12, Fr. Gerardo Zendejas preached a Lenten Mission at the Church of the Transfiguration in Toronto. Fr. Zendejas is the Prior St. Ignatius Retreat House in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

Fr. Zendejas heard Confessions each evening, while a priest from the Priory in Toronto led the Stations of the Cross before offering Holy Mass. After Mass, there was time for small snack before the hour long conference. The evening concluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

As it was a Lenten Mission, Fr. preached on the Last Things (Sin, Death, Judgment, Hell, and Heaven). The Mission was well attended each evening, with members attending from other parishes as well (St. Catharines, Orillia, Wyoming). The faithful were moved by the descriptive stories Father used to illustrate these topics. Father concluded the Mission Friday evening by leading the faithful in the renewal of the Baptismal Promises, and gave them the Blessing which imparts a plenary indulgence. We thank Fr. Zendejas for taking the time to preach the mission, and our prayers will accompany him in his apostolate at St. Ignatius Retreat House.

(Copies of the conferences are available from St. Michael's Press, 45 Guthrie Ave, Toronto, ON M8Y 3L2 for the amount of 20.00 ppd)

Fr. Gerardo Zendejas

Fr. Gerardo Zendejas

preaching from the pulpit

Fr. Zendejas' conference


Benediction after the conference


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