Coast to Coast

Langley, British Columbia
Parish-wide Consecration to Jesus Through Mary - March 25, 2007

Forty faithful made or renewed their consesecration to Jesus through Mary before the open tabernacle after Mass. They had made the full 5 week preparation according to St. Louis de Montfort using Fr. Libietis's book. Frs Gerspacher and DeVriendt gave weekly sermons at the Saturday Mass for extra inspiration. At least ten and probably many more joined from other locations throughout British Columbia. Although the feast of Our Lady's Annunciation had been moved to the 26th due to Passion Sunday, the promises were made on Sunday so that everyone could be there.

Our Lady's altar

Parishioners kneeling at altar rail

Parishioner reading consecration prayer

parish makes consecration to Jesus through Mary

Parishioner signs his consecration at Our Lady's altar  
Altar boy signs his consecration at Our Lady's altar



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