Winnipeg, Manitoba
Redemptorist Mission by Fr Alphonsus Maria - May 4-16, 2010
Fr. Alphonsus Maria, Redemptorist priest who is stationed at the retreat house in Los Gatos California, preached a traditional Redemptorist parish Mission from May 14-May 16 for the Mass Centre in Winnipeg. Many attended from not only Winnipeg, but Saskatchewan and Ontario. The Redemptorist mission - similar to the Ignatian Exercises, begins with the reality of Hell and the certainty of death. However, like Fr. Alphonsus said, one cannot build a spiritual life on the fear of hell, so the Mission moved to complete love of God, and detaching ourselves from whatever is sinful or displeasing to Jesus Christ. The greatest means of becoming a saint, and getting to heaven, is persevering devotion to the Virgin Mary (especially under the title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help). As Fr. Alphonsus said, one who is devoted to Mary will not be damned, and he related several true stories in which Mary converted non-Catholics the faith, and cured those who were sick, all because they had devotion to her.
Fr. Alphonsus Maria
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