
October - December 2003, No. 22
All That Glitters Is Not Gold
By Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard SSPX

Dear readers,

Fr. Patrick Girouard


No, that would be too much fun, wouldn't it? But in this imperfect world we must really work hard to find real gold. Especially the immaterial one: the moral gold. The gold of truth and virtue. Indeed we are faced today with a deluge of news, of declarations, pretending to be true and virtuous. But it’s hard to discern the real gold in all that. Some examples: Westerners are told of a crusade against terrorism. Fine. But when we learn that the capture and the following rescue of “soldier” Jessica Lynch, last March, were a phony operation, created out of the blue by the Pentagon to “look good” in the medias, we are disgusted... but maybe not surprised. On the other hand, the rulers of Saudi Arabia declare themselves ally of the USA, but they finance Al-Qaida. Lies! Lies on both sides! The Vatican Churchmen are not better, with their so-called “springtime of the Church”. It is rather the “springtime IN the Church”. I mean that of the weeds (heresies) dismantling one by one the stones of her walls. Oh! No, all that glitters is not gold. Even if it can produce it, like when the trend of Fantasy Literature makes some authors multimillionaires overnight, but with stories luring the kids into the occult world, under pretence of amusing them (see Befriending the Devil p. 4).

But Truth and Virtue are not totally absent in this world of ours. The Word of God united Himself to our human nature in the Blessed Virgin Mary, and has revealed us the path of Truth and Virtue. And His disciples became saints by the millions (for example St Marguerite Bourgeoys, p. 17). A greater number work at their purification and sanctification in various ways. Some examples of that are recalled in this issue (see News from the East, p. 14). Thinking about these events, we are able to understand that nothing helps us better in our spiritual life, than to live closely to Our Lord Jesus-Christ. Because He is the Vine and we are the branches, receiving His Divine Life. He is the Head, and we are His members. This invisible reality is made visible when the Faithful flock around their Priests, these “Other Christs” by the grace of their Ordination. True Catholics, true living Members of Christ, must be HAPPY to have occasions to meet with their brethren. Indeed, the more we try to participate in the parish life, the more we find strength and encouragement for our persevering in the Faith, and also a lot of occasions for sanctification! Many types of activities can take place, they don't have to be the same in every parish, but they all have that purpose of exercising LOVE towards God and towards the neighbour. Members of a parish must overcome their pride, laziness, or selfishness, if they want to receive all the graces God wants to give them. And remember: This Ark of Salvation that is the Church, is veiled under humble appearances: All that is Gold does not glitter! You will have an example of that axiom in the “Tale at the Tail” (see p. 25).

Some news:

  1. The winner of the Tale Contest for issue # 16 is Mr. André Lambert, teacher at our school in Lévis. The moral was not a religious one. It was concerning the perfecting of our natural powers and virtues. Here it is: When we persevere doing something that’s loathsome, all obstacles finally disappear, and the work itself becomes easier and even agreeable. (So a good teacher is the one helping the students to persevere despite the repugnance they may have). Mr. Lambert is winning $10.00.
  2. Please pay attention to our new sales policy (see p. 31). We do all we can to keep the prices low, even if those of postage and printing are always going up!
  3. We are saddened by the death of our friend and quasi-brother Mr. Michel Lambert. You will find more about it (see p. 29). We give our deepest condolences to his family.

God bless you all! Have a good and holy year 2004. Thank you for supporting this Apostolate of the Press!

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