
Communicantes: January 2001


Father Dominique De Vriendt

This issue of Communicantes now contains 32 pages. It hasn’t stopped growing since the beginning of the new series two years ago. We went from 8 pages in December 1998 to 12 pages, then to 20, then to 28 and now to 32 pages. The year we have just completed (2000) has been, one must admit, extraordinarily productive in events for the life of the Church and the Society.

The Holy Year, which every 25 years should normally bring joy and spiritual consolation and which should be a renewing of the life of faith and of grace in the soul, has seen the Holy Catholic Church, the exclusive Ark of Salvation, be humiliated by the very authorities of the Vatican, no doubt more than She has ever been before. What is worse, is that here it’s not a question of a scandal given by some member of the hierarchy on a moral issue, as, alas, the Church has often witnessed in the course of these 2000 years of history. No, what is worse, what is truly serious and fatal for the divine life in souls is the fact that it is Her unchanging doctrine that has been attacked. The divine faith, the revealed doctrine, without which it is impossible to please God, is being more and more scorned, undermined in its foundations by those whose primary duty is to defend it and to transmit it intact.

Thus, who could not help but see that it is of the utmost importance, for anyone aspiring to Salvation, to be capable of recognizing these errors and of rejecting them, so as not to fall into the snares of the Enemy, the devil, a liar from antiquity. But to elude these errors, one must study, one must read, one must meditate and pray. If not there is the fatal risk that they will penetrate even amongst traditionalists. It is with this main interest that Communicantes offers you some analysis of the most pernicious errors which poison so many souls today.

You will find in this issue a commentary by Bishop Fellay, our General Superior, on the document "Dominus Jesus" published last October by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This document, though recalling certain truths of tradition, conserves the principal falsehoods of ecumenism which cause such destruction in the domain of the faith.

In another article, Bishop Williamson makes an analysis of the fundamental errors of the famous request for forgiveness pronounced by the Pope and diverse individuals of the Vatican on Ash Wednesday of the year 2000.

We also invite you to attentively read the profound analysis which Father Laisney has made of the pernicious Common Declaration of the Catholic Church and the Lutheran churches on the doctrine of Justification, a declaration which was signed in October of 1999.

In a contrasting mood you may also read with interest the article of Father Laroche on the thirty years of the Society, and the article of Jean-Claude Dupuis on the 10th anniversary of Holy Family School at Lévis. And lastly, you will be surely consoled to read the different articles which tell of our magnificent pilgrimage to Rome this last August. "

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