

Letter from the Dominican Republic

Father Porfiro Martinez, the priest in charge of the Chapels of the Society of Saint Pius X in the Dominican Republic, sent us this letter to share with all the faithful.


The Priory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the Society Saint Pius X at `La Gina, Yamasa, Dominican Republic, and all its faithful, want to wholeheartedly thank all the members, friends, and benefactors of the Society Saint Pius X around the world, as well as all the faithful and all the persons who helped us with their prayers and their generous donations. Without this precious help it would have been impossible to recover from a trial such as the one that hurt us when the hurricane swept and devastated the territory of the Dominican Republic last September. As a proof of our gratitude, we can only offer to all the assurance of our most sincere thanks, and we pray to Heaven to reward you a hundred fold here on earth and with eternal life in Paradise.

With the confidence to be in your prayers.
In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Father Porfiro Martinez and all the faithful of the Dominican Republic.

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