

Father Violette's Letter

In this interesting letter of the Society's District Superior of Australia, Father Violette exposes the radical contradictions of those who, in Rome or elsewhere, preach the novelty of Religious Liberty.

March 1999

Dear Faithful,

As many of you already know the Society has two new schools. Indeed Tuesday February 2, feast of the Purification of Our Lady, after many years of prayerful expectation, St. Philomena School opened in Parkridge (Brisbane) with 47 children. Fr. Hogan and his team of helpers have done a truly marvelous work. Since the last letter, teachers were hired, the sewage system put in place making it possible to open just a day later than the public schools. Also in Tynong, St. Thomas Aquinas College has added the primary level to the existing secondary level.

His Lordship Bishop Fellay during his recent visit was very pleased with the marvelous work done at both institutions. Tuesday 16th he visited St. Thomas Aquinas and inspected the new classrooms and staff. Thursday 18th His Lordship blessed the new school in Parkridge to the joy and satisfaction of all. Thank you to all who have prayed and sacrificed for these intentions. Let us thank almighty God and His holy Mother for these signal graces. They are not small graces in the times of destruction we are living in.

Indeed from Rome the news is not so good. "Religious freedom therefore constitutes the very heart of human rights. Its inviolability is such that individuals must be recognized as having the right even to change their religion, if their conscience so demands." These are the words of Pope John Paul II in his New Years message as reported by the Catholic weekly of January 10, 1999.

It is hard to believe that such words can come from a Pope! Here is what Pope Gregory XVI said on the same subject in his encyclical Mirari vos1. of August 15, 1832: ". . . indifferentism, or that base opinion which has become prevalent everywhere through the deceit of wicked men, that eternal salvation of the soul cart be acquired by any profession of faith whatever, if morals are conformed to the standard of the just and honest... And so from this most rotten source of indifferentism flows that absurd and erroneous opinion, or rather insanity, that liberty of conscience must be claimed and defended for anyone.

If John Paul II is right then what about Our Lord's words, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned."2. We certainly do not agree with them. How could we? They place human conscience above the law of God. So many Popes in addition to Gregory XVI have already condemned them.

So what about a Catholic who "in conscience" cannot accept the Church's teaching on contraception, abortion, divorce and remarriage, does he have a right to become an Anglican?

But then, if the Pope and those who are "in communion" really believe these words why punish us, why falsely accuse us for doing exactly what he says every human being has a right to do? Why then the condemnation, the supposed excommunication of Archbishop Levebvre? He didn't want to change his religion.

Where was religious freedom for Archbishop Levebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer who, following their conscience, refused to change their religion, choosing to continue Tradition? Where is freedom of religion for those priests who want to continue wearing their habits and remain faithful to their vows?

Where is freedom of religion for the hundreds of thousands of Catholics who signed all the petitions asking for the Traditional Mass? Where is freedom of religion for Catholics who attend our Masses? Why threaten them with excommunication? After all, they are only following their conscience.

Indeed why are we condemned? Why does the Ecclesia Dei commission, the St. Peter Society, Una Voce, Ecclesia Dei Society attack us? Because we do exactly what the Holy Father says we have a right to do: follow our conscience! We have not gone as far as changing our religion; on the contrary we do not want to change because we believe it comes from God, not from man's conscience.

This just shows two things: the hypocrisy and injustice of the whole process against Archbishop Lefevre and Traditionalists. Everybody is free to follow his conscience except us. Freedom of conscience is only for those who promote errors many times condemned. It is not for those who do not believe in this "insanity" (to use the word of Gregory XVI), for those who want to hold to the truth. Because truth condemns error, is intolerant of error. It also shows their idea of Tradition.

Dear Faithful keep the faith! IT is all that matters. Are we living the times Dom Gueranger prophetically spoke about: "woe to those times when the dispensers of the divine word, having themselves nought but halved or false principles, give but weak, shriveled seed to the souls entrusted to them! The Holy Ghost is not bound to supply their insufficiency, ordinarily speaking, He does not supply it, for such is not the way established by Christ for the sanctification of the members of His Church. The common Mother, however, has supplementary aid for such of her children as may be thus treated: it is her liturgy. "3. There you have it! That is why they are so against Tradition and especially against the liturgy: it is contrary to their false principles. Stay attached to the traditional liturgy without compromise! Leave the rest to God; He will take care of it.

Again thank you for your continued support both prayerful and financial. As always the monthly Mass for friends and benefactors will be offered on the last Sunday of the month. Have a blessed Easter.

With my blessing,

Father Jean Violette

1. The Sources of Catholic Dogma, translated by Roy J. Defarrari from the Thirtieth edition of Henry Denzingers's Enchiridion Symbolorum, published by Marian House Powers Lake ND USA, page 403

2. Mark XVI, 16

3. Dom Gueranger The Liturgical Year vol. XI Time after Pentecost Book II page 202

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