

Press Review: News of the Church from around the World
(This review is taken with little change from the Society's Bulletin in Belgium, "Pour qu'll Regne", No 31. Address is: Prieure du Christ-Roi, 37 rue de la Concorde, 1050 BRUSSELS, Belgium)

In Holland, Bishop Muskens made the news again: He has declared in the Netwerk paper of February 76 that the actual situation with the AIDS epidemic makes the use of condoms necessary. He added that the use of condoms could be a good remedy to curb the growth of the world population. We are forced to question whether or not this Bishop has ever heard of the basic principle of moral theology which forbids the use of an intrinsically evil means for any end. His new Vicar General, V. Schoenmakers, declared in the Catholiek Nieuwsblad that he did not see any objection based on the Bible against the ordination of women to the priesthood, and that he thought that the celibacy of the priests should be made a free choice. So for these prelates, Tradition has no meaning other than perpetual revolution.

Pope John Paul II wishes to beatify Mother Teresa as soon as possible, and for that end, he does not fear to breach the Canon Law which states that the introduction of a cause for canonization or beatification cannot be put forward until a period of five years, from the death of the person concerned, has lapsed. The Congregation founded by Mother Teresa numbers today close to 600 houses in 120 countries, 4000 religious sisters and 300 brothers.

The cause for the beatification of "abbe Edouard Pope", a holy and well known Belgian priest (especially because he was one of the pillars of the Eucharistic Crusade in Belgium), progresses well. Initiated in 1946, the trial for the heroicity of his virtues was closed in 1986; it seems that a miracle granted recently through his intercession will be able to draw the cause of his beatification to a conclusion in the near future.

On the 2nd of May, pope John Paul II beatified Padre Pio. The next issue of Communicantes will deal much more with the 20th Century stigmatist.

Poland. Satanic ceremonies and ritual murders are no more rare. The recent murder of an 18 year old boy and of a 19 year old girl by two comrades the four of them were "initiated" - have moved the whole country of Poland. "I do not regret my action, I did it for the devil," one of the murderers stated coldly, the next day. According to police information, 74 youth under the age of 20 have been convicted for murder during the first nine months of last year.

The Vatican. Saturday, February 20th': the 1999 edition of the Pontifical Annual was presented to the Holy Father. One finds in it interesting facts: for the first time, the number of baptized Catholics in the world is higher than one billion (1,005 millions), which makes 17.3% of the world's population. Catholics make 62.9% in the American Continents (North and South together). In Europe, Catholics represent 41.4% of the population. In Africa, Catholics number 14.9%. In Oceania, they number 27.5%, in Asia, 3%. Rome counts 4420 Bishops in the world, 404,208 priests, and 819,278 professed sisters. There is a worrying trend: the number of priests and professed sisters did not augment since 1996 . . . and globally, did not stop waning since the last Council. It is sad that the Annual cannot specify the proportion of practicing Catholics, this could prevent some to labour under a delusion. Cardinal Martini (from Milan) himself, for instance, acknowledges that practicing Catholics are a minority: "We should not content ourselves with what is apparent. Statistics tell us that the number of those who attend Sunday Masses on a regular basis is small, and that the influence of the Church's statements upon Christians is feeble, especially in moral matters" (30 Days).

The Vatican again. Symptomatic naivety: the message of the pope to the faithful on the occasion of the 33rd world day of Social Communication (May 16th) has as its topic: "The mass-media: a friendly companion for all those who are seeking the Father." Until now, we had the impression that it is rather the Father of Lies who expressed himself through the mass-media . . .

France. The Society Saint Pius X sent to all the diocesan priests of France a "Letter to our priestly brothers" which is rather a communication letter, destined to encourage a dialogue, in order to enlighten the French clergy and to communicate with some more conservative elements who could be interested in the Tradition of the Church. This letter drew more than a negligible number of reactions of all kinds. At the first onset; the French Episcopal Conference showed its ostracism by letting it be known that it would not react officially to the proposition of openness. Such a response demonstrates their duplicity when they will dialogue with almost everybody, including the propagators of error, but not with tire friends of Truth.

In this absence of an official reaction, certain bishops, like Bishop de Berranger (St. Denis), made a declaration to the press; the latter judges "the initiative of the `schismatics' quite positive, in the sense that they want to break their seclusion and that they confirm that their real opposition does not concern liturgy, but the notion of religious liberty.. ." and he adds, "We should ask ourselves why did it take so many years for the Council to be understood by all." The answer is easy. By definition, what comes from the Holy Ghost is bright, as what comes from the spirit of Darkness is obscure (gloomy). There is no need for a 20 year course in Theology to grasp such a concept.

Blasphemies of Cardinal Biffi in Bologna (Italy): "Look, Jesus Christ had a bad temper, He did not bear other gods besides himself:" (30 Days). These words were said to the press on the occasion of the exchange of Christmas wishes. This is where modern Ecumenism leads to: direct blasphemy.

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