

Why not obey the Mother of God
as one should?

An attempt at neutralizing the most important
salutary event of the Twentieth Century
By Father Fabrice Delestre, with the collaboration of Father Rafael Navas 0.

Issue 22 of May 30, 1998, of the journal from the Holy See, l'Osservatore Romano, in Portuguese, published a lengthy article on page 10 by Mrs. Emilia Paola PACELLl, "orientalist, writer of the magazine Omnis Terra": "In the light of Fatima, heading towards the third millenium: Pius XII is Father, Master and Friend of our times". In this article, which one may legitimately think reflects the position of the Holy See, it is affirmed that Pius XII did "the consecration of the Church and of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1942, and ten years later, the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Moreover, it says that "on March 25, 1984, Pope John Paul II in person, together with all the bishops of the world, evoking Pius XII, once again consecrated the human race and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, confirming the act of consecration which was pronounced in 1982."

In the July, 1999 issue of the "Voice of Fatima", the official bulletin of the Sanctuary of Fatima, on page 2, Father F Leite repeats that this consecration has already been done:

"The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, just as Our Lady had requested, that is, done by the Holy Father in union with all the bishops of the world, has actually been realized on the 25th of March of 1984, in front of the statue of Our Lady which had been transported to Rome for this occasion from the chapel of the apparitions of Fatima. In union with the Holy Father, and on his express demand, the bishops of the world accompanied him in this significant act."

"Sister Lucy has said several times that this consecration has corresponded entirely to the desires of Our Lady. In a letter to Walter Noelker she affirms: "They asked me if the consecration was done in conformity with the demands of Our Lady. I answered by saying yes."1

And Father Leite finishes his article by affirming unhesitatingly: "now that the consecration has been realized, the conversion of Russia has begun."

These two authors thus claim that the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has already been carried out, in due form, and Mrs. Pacelli goes so far as to write that it has been made three times: in 1982 and in 1984. Is that in reality what has occurred? To know for sure, we must consider three points:

  1. The precise request of the Consecration by Our Lady to Sister Lucy;
  2. Whether or not the three consecrations of 1952, 1982, and 1984 corresponded to the demands of heaven;
  3. Lastly, we must prove whether at least one of the three above-mentioned consecrations has accorded to the world the two immense graces promised by Our Lady as effects and signs of the authentic Consecration:

-         the grace of the conversion of Russia to the true Faith;

-         the grace of a "certain time of peace in the world”

1. What type of Consecration did the Blessed Virgin request to Sister Lucy?

It was during the third apparition at Fatima, on July 13, 1917, that Our Lady spoke for the first time of the "Consecration of Russia," indicating that this act is the sovereign remedy, and the only efficacious one, to save Christianity from very grave errors and very great evils:

"God wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I am about to tell you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war will end. But if God does not cease to be offended, under the reign of Pius XI another worse one will begin. (. . .) To prevent that from happening, I will come to request the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the reparatory Communion of the first Saturdays of the month. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace if not, it will spread its errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church; the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, several nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and it will convert, and there will be given to the world a certain time of peace."

Through these words, Our Lady indicated very clearly, and in two different places, the two marvelous graces attached to the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart:

- the grace of the conversion of Russia;

-the grace of "a certain time of peace" in the world.

What is more, Our Lady said that she "will come" to ask for the Consecration of Russia. In fact, Our Lady came again to visit Lucy at Tuy (Spain) on June 1311, 1929, to give her this request:

"The moment has arrived that God asks the Holy Father to perform, in union with all the bishops of the world, the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it in this manner. So numerous are the souls that God's justice condemns for sins committed against me, that I come to request reparation. Make sacrifices and pray for this intention. "

After this message, in two letters which she addressed in May, 1930, to Father Gongalves, her confessor, Lucy related the requests from heaven, strongly linking the devotion of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Consecration of Russia:

"Our dear Lord promised to put an end to the persecution in Russia, if the Holy Father deigns to perform, and to command all the Catholic bishops of the world to do likewise, A SOLEMN AND PUBLIC ACT OF REPARATION AND OF CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA to the most sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and if His Holiness promises, in return for the end of this persecution, to approve and to recommend the practice of the reparatory devotion" of the first Saturdays of the month.

These words of Our Lady and these letters of Sister Lucy thus present the exact form of Consecration demanded from heaven:

- The Consecration of Russia, explicitly mentioned, and not the consecration of the world with a vague and imprecise allusion to Russia;

- The Consecration performed by the Holy Father in union with all the bishops of the world, which signifies that each bishop must organize and preside over, in his diocese, at the same time as the Pope and in union with him, this act of reparation and of consecration, unless the Pope profits from a worldly Episcopal reunion in Rome to accomplish it. Sister Lucy never excluded the possibility that the Consecration could be performed within an Ecumenical Council, for example, although it seems the first solution was clearly preferred; the importance being the moral and spiritual union of the bishops with the Pope.

- Finally, the very great solemnity of this act, which must be performed in the framework of "a solemn and public act of reparation and of consecration", no doubt in order to draw everyone's attention and so that the greatest possible number of Catholics could participate.

II. Do the three consecrations performed in 1952, 1982 and 1954 satisfy all the conditions demanded by heaven?

A. Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pius X11 in the Apostolic Letter Sacro Vergente Anno, addressed to the people of Russia on July 7th, 1952.

The consecration of Russia has been done, but by the Pope alone, without the unity of all the bishops of the world, and without the required solemnity. In reality, this consecration has not been performed within the framework of "a solemn and public act of reparation and of consecration", of which Sister Lucy spoke, but rather a little on the smooth side, if one may so say, with the publication of an Apostolic Letter which remains unknown to many, and which was quickly forgotten by those who did come to know about it.

In regards to this act, Sister Lucy wrote in one of her letters of the summer of 1952:

"I likewise thank you for the newspaper clipping which relates the consecration of Russia." 2

B. Act of offering and of consecration, made by John Paul li at Fatima on May 13th, 1952.

Pope John Paul II himself, during the homily of the Mass celebrated at Fatima on the morning of May 13th, 1982, told what he intended to do by this act:

"To accomplish once more what my predecessors have always done: entrust THE WORLD to the Heart of the Mother . . ."

In fact, this act of offering and consecration didn't correspond at all to the Consecration requested by Our Lady, and this for several reasons:

- It was a consecration of the world, and not of Russia, which wasn't even mentioned once!

- This act wasn't made explicitly to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

- Lastly, there was no union of ail the bishops with the Pope, as was required.

Besides, Sister Lucy declared on August 11, 1982,to her niece Maria do Fetal:

"I am aged, I am 75 years old, I am preparing to see God face-to-face. I have given all my writings to the Holy Church. I may die peacefully. But if they ask my opinion, here it is: the consecration of Russia, in the manner which Our Lady requested, has not been done."

And Sister Lucy repeated exactly the same thing four days later, on August 15th, to an old friend, Mrs. Pestana.

Likewise, Sister Lucy wrote, in a text which she composed in the parlor on March 19, 1983, during a visit of Mgr. Portalupi, Apostolic Nuncio of Portugal:

"In the act of offering of May 13th, 1982, it was not clearly shown that Russia was the object of the consecration. And every bishop did not organize in his diocese a public and solemn ceremony of reparation and consecration of Russia. Pope John Paul II simply renewed the consecration of the world done by Pius XI I on Oct. 31st, 1942. From this consecration of the world, we may hope to receive some benefits, but not the conversion of Russia."

It is also worthy to note the conclusion of this text which Sister Lucy wanted to present to the Apostolic Nuncio, because the words well express the humble simplicity of the visionary's obedience: "The consecration of Russia has not been done as Our Lady had asked. I was not able to tell you, because I did not have the permission of the Holy See." This last sentence signifies that Sister Lucy is accustomed to recognize those who occupy positions of authority in the Church as the representatives of God on earth; she therefore considers that she owes them humble respect and entire submission. That is why it is absolutely utopian to hope that Sister Lucy would one day in an impressive declaration publicly affirm that the consecration of Russia has not been done: it would be completely contrary to her sense of religious obedience. She simply considers that she has entirely accomplished her duty when she profits from all occasions that are offered to her to remind the Pope, in a private manner but with perseverance and firmness, that the Consecration has not been done, as she has done elsewhere after the act of May 13th, 1982, when she told the Apostolic Nuncio on March 19, 1983 that all that she had affirmed in this interview had already been written to Pope John Paul 11.3

C. The renewal, on March 25th, 1984, in the square of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, of the 1982 act of offering and consecration.

John Paul II had announced, on December 8th, 1983, in a letter addressed to all the bishops, the renewal of this act, and in conclusion said: "I would be pleased if you would like, on that day (March 25th, 1984) to renew this act at the same time as me, in the manner in which each of you will judge the most adaptive."

Very slight modifications were made to the act of 1982, however, this act of consecration still lacked what was essential.

-1) In fact, what we have here is a simple renewal of the consecration of the world done by Pius XII in 1942, as is clearly shown by reading the entire text (which is very obscure in places!) of which we give here a few excerpts.

". . . with your love as mother and as handmaid of the Lord, embrace our human race which we offer to you and consecrate to you, full of uneasiness for the earthly and eternal fate of men and of nations."

(. . .) "We wish to unite ourselves to our Redeemer in this consecration for the world and for men. . . "

(. . .) "How profoundly do we feel the need of a consecration for the humanity and for the world, for our contemporary world, in union with Christ Himself!"

(. . .) "In confiding to you, 0 Mother, the world, all men and all nations, we also confide to you even this consecration of the world, and we place it in your maternal heart." (Very unclear sentence)

-2) Russia was not mentioned one single time in the entire text!

-3) Finally, this act was not made explicitly to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but "to Mary, Mother.”

Moreover, a little after this consecration, the Pope himself explained to Mgr. Cordes, Vice-president of the Pontifical Council for Laymen, what his reason was for having failed to expressly mention Russia: he feared that his words would be a provocation for the soviet leaders!

Sister Lucy was not mistaken: three days before the consecration, on Thursday, March 22nd, 1984, to Mrs. Pestana, who questioned her: "Well, Lucy, Sunday, it's the Consecration?" she showed signs of disagreement and added: "This consecration cannot have a decisive character." And when she had heard Father Kondor read the act of March 25th,1984, during a ceremony at the Carmel of Coimbra, in the spring of 1984, all of a sudden her face changed expression; the video-tape, distributed by the Vice-Postulator, is a proof: her interior revolt was visibly very great!

Thus, a meticulous study of the three acts of consecration of 1952, 1982 and 1984 and the declarations or subsequent reactions of Sister Lucy concerning these three acts allow us to make the conclusion: THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, IN THE MANNER WHICH HEAVEN HAS DEMANDED, HAS NEVER BEEN DONE!

III. There is yet another very real observation which reconfirms this conclusion: the complete absence in the world of the two precious graces promised by Our Lady as effects and signs of the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

1) Grace of "a certain time of peace in the world"

The General Secretary of the UNO, Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar declared, during a conference in April of 1988 to the Institute of Higher International Studies in Geneva, that the armed conflicts which broke out from 1945 to 1986 had totaled 17 million deaths, of which 80% were victims of civil uprisings! So then, in the four decades of a period which was termed "of peaceful coexistence," there were just as many deaths as the number of victims of the First World War! But with one small difference: 80% of the deaths of 1914-1918 were military (13.8 million of the 17 million); while between 1945 and 1986, 80% of the deaths were civilians: the majority being women, children and the elderly.

Mr. Perez de Cuellar added that by the end of 1986 there had been 36 armed conflicts, in which had been engaged 5.5 million soldiers from 41 countries, that is, one country out of every four.

- Four of these conflicts began between 1945 and 1949;

- Seven in the 1960's;

- Seventeen in the 1970'x;

Since this declaration, the situation has not gotten any better. The Portuguese magazine 24 Hours, of April 18, 1999, published a list of civil wars which took place throughout the world during the 1990's, with the following assessment of the victims:

Timor oriental:
Sri Lanka: 
Northern Ireland:
Sierra Leone: 




And yet, not all the civil wars of the decade were included in this listing (it is missing, among others, the results of the Communist guerilla wars in the countries of Central and South America - El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, where one can calculate about 40 violent deaths per day - and the Communist guerilla wars in the Philippines); and this listing also doesn't count the number of war victims between the sovereign nations: notably, the Ethiopia-Eritrea war, the India-Pakistan war concerning Kashmir: 30,000 deaths since 1990 . . . etc., without mentioning the recent events in Kosovo.

How can one speak of "peace" in the world, from 1945 to our days, and of a period of so-called "peaceful coexistence" (beautiful euphemism of the media . . .), after reading all the terrible figures cited above, alas all too real?

2) The grace of the conversion of Russia to the true Faith, to the Catholic Faith.

Contrary to what Father Leite writes, this conversion is not at all developing: the law on "religious liberty", adopted in 1997, a work of the neo-communists and of the orthodox patriarchate in Moscow, is a law of veritable persecution against the Catholic Church. In fact, this law makes the subtle distinction between:

1- "religious organizations," which have the status of a moral and beneficent entity with a complete legal existence in Russia. Four religions are recognized as such: the Orthodox Russian Church, Judaism, Islamism, and Buddhism.

2- "religious groups," who do not benefit from the preceding status and whose situation is very precarious in the country. The Catholic Church is considered in this group. It is ranked among the sects! Thus, it is deprived for 15 years of:

- the right to teach religion in public schools;

- the right to establish its own religious schools;

- the right to provide a chaplain for prisons, hospitals, and homes for the elderly;

- the right to import and diffuse religious literature;

- the right to own a printing press and other media!


And at the same time, certain individuals of the Vatican, using their influence, impose on the Church the submission to syncretic ecumenism with the orthodox, in spite of the consequences, as well as the abdication brought upon by the "Ostpolitik" towards the neo-communist authorities in the East, as has been unfortunately shown by the Pope's journey to Romania in May of 1999. All this in the name of "dialogue" which has become "sacred", but certainly not in the name of the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ! It is A DRAMATIC POLITICAL ILLUSION AND THE SELF-DEMOLITION OF THE CHURCH, a purely human action void of all consideration of the supernatural, but it is for continuing, cost what it may, this policy, that members of the Church obstinately refuse since so many years to apply to the world the absolute remedy, yet so simple to carry out, which Our Lady, ever so merciful to her children, came from heaven to give to three little shepherds of Christendom: the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope in union with all the bishops of the world.

1 This letter from Sister Lucy to Mr. Walter Noelker is not authentic; it is a forgery! Brother Francis of Mary of the Angels reveals that in 1989 and 1990 five letters, supposedly from Sister Lucy, had been distributed by religious authorities of Fatima, in what constituted a veritable campaign of indoctrination and misinformation (which seems to have originated from certain individuals in very high places in the Vatican) designed to influence the public opinion to believe that the consecration of March 25th, 1984 responded perfectly to the requests of Our Lady! Some of these letters contained serious errors concerning the events of Fatima, and just the one internal critic of these five documents was enough to demonstrate that the letters in question are apocryphal: they completely lack any spirit of devotion towards the Immaculate Heart of Mary; they contain rhetoric styles unlike those of Sister Lucy; finally, they are written in a spirit absolutely contrary to Sister Lucy's heart and soul, so simple and so devout. (On the reason for which Sister Lucy never publicly denounced these letters, c.f. p. 4 and note no. 3)

The following occurrence gives further proof that, since 1989, there has been misinformation and maneuvers in regard to the consecration of 1984: in the first official editions of Sister Lucy's Memories, the note No. 11 of the 3rd Memory reads: "Have the conditions for the consecration of Russia, and consequently for its conversion, been satisfied, just as Our Lady had demanded? Lucy has manifested that she does not believe so. Thus, we continue to suffer the consequences of communist atheism, as a chastisement from the hand of God to punish the world for its sins."

Now this note is still found in the second edition of the Memories in Italian, published in May of 1988, which is more than four years after the consecration of 1984! But, suddenly, everything changes: from 1990, the note disappears to be replaced by the following one, which we find for the first time in the sixth edition of the Memories in the Portuguese language, published in March of 1990:

"Sister Lucy affirms that the consecration done by John Paul II in union with the bishops, on March 25th, 1984, corresponded to the requests of Our Lady and has been received by heaven. She clarifies that a numerical union of all the bishops was not required, a moral union being sufficient. The astounding changes that have begun to be noted in the countries of the East in 1989, are already the first signs of an answer from heaven to the promise of 1917: 'The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, it will be converted and there will be given to the world a certain time of peace."'

What, therefore, had happened between May 1988 and March 1990? Father Caillon gives us the answer: "in 1988, a command had been received from Rome, obliging each and everyone to agree in thought and speech that: THE CONSECRATION HAS BEEN DONE. The Pope has done all that he could and heaven has deigned to accept his act."

2 "Fatima, Joie Intime-Evenement Mondial" Fr. François de Marie des Anges, - CRC - 2nd French Edition, revised and updated December 1993, Chap. XVI p. 358.

3 One must admit that churchmen deprived of any scruples profited from this keen sense of religious obedience of Sister Lucy, also from her situation of cloistered Carmelite nun, to spread forged letters, knowing very well that they were immune to public exposure of their lies.  

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