
"Communicantes Christi passionibus" I Petr:13
"Taking part in the sufferings of Christ"

Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


* * * *

No. 18 of a New Series
January - March 2004


A New Trojan Horse

By Rev. Fr. P. Girouard SSPX

From The District Office
The Great Betrayal

By Rev. Fr. Jean Violette SSPX,
District Superior

Cover Story
There Is Only One Saviour!
SSPX Dossier On Ecumenism

By Rev. Fr. Emanuel Herkel SSPX

The Three Men

By Mr. André Lambert, Teacher

News From The East

The Conquest of Châtigny Island
5th Summer Camp of the Brebeuf Cadets

By Rev. Fr. Jean de l`Estourbeillon SSPX

Those Who Truly Live, The Saints
The Miracle Man of Montreal: Blessed Brother André

By Mr. Roger Zielke

Society Of St Pius X Retreat Application Form

C.I.A. Page: Surprising News


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