
October 2005 - March 2006, No. 3
From the District Office
About the General Chapter
By Rev. Fr. J. Violette SSPX, District Superior

Dear Faithful,

Fr. Violette


The coming New Year will be one of great importance for the Society of St Pius X. Indeed next July the different district, seminary superiors and superiors of autonomous houses will meet for the general chapter.

This general chapter meets every 12 years to discuss the affairs of our Society and one of its most important duties is to elect the superior general and his two assistants who will guide the SSPX for the next 12 years. This is obviously of the greatest importance for the SSPX but also for Tradition, since the superior general is the one responsible for relations with Rome. It also therefore affects you.

Therefore I urge you not only to pray for the success of this chapter, but I would like to ask you also to offer your First Friday and First Saturday devotions of the coming year first for the election and after in thanksgiving. The SSPX is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. What better devotions than that of the first Fridays and Saturdays which they asked for and for which they promised so many graces for the conversion of sinners and their triumph in the Church and society.

For the First Friday it suffices to make the communion of reparation for 9 consecutive Fridays. I remind you of the conditions for the first Saturday devotion. On 5 consecutive Saturdays:
  1. Recite the five decades of the Rosary;
  2. Keep Our Lady company for fifteen minutes by meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary;
  3. Confession;
  4. Communion;
  5. With the intention of offering reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

With continued prayers and my blessing,

Father Jean Violette         
