
October 2005 - March 2006, No. 3
Rag Bag
Disfigured People!

By Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard SSPX


What you are looking at on this page are pictures of 3 people taken before and after their use of “Crystal Meth”. This drug is increasingly popular among adults and teenagers alike. The edition of the Winnipeg Free Press, December 10th, 2005, contains a thorough study of this phenomenon by journalists Mike McIntyre and Bruce Owen. Among other information, they explain all about “Crystal Meth” (Clinical Name: Methamphetamine).

The ingredients can be easily purchased in any drug store and can be mixed to produce the drug. That is why the drug is so cheap to buy and therefore so easily available for teenagers and poor people. It is said that one can be hooked even after one dose. The drug produces a sense of euphoria and energy, and people could go without eating and sleeping for days when they are on the drug. The drug is so powerful that it affects the body and creates hallucinations and weird sensations. One of the most common sensation is the feeling that bugs are crawling underneath the drug users’ skin, inducing him to scratch himself often to the point of drawing blood. This is one of the reasons for the disfigurement we can see in the above pictures.

The signs by which we can recognize that someone is using “Crystal Meth” are the following:

    • Rapid heart rate
    • Heightened sense of “well being”
    • Euphoric “high” state (excessively happy)
    • Decreased appetite/weight loss
    • Decreased sleep time
    • Anxiety, shaking hands, nervousness
    • Increased physical activity
    • Dilated pupils
    • Incessant talking
    • Irritability
    • Sweating not related to physical activity
    • Poor hygiene and self-care
    • Aggressive or violent behavior
    • Dizziness or confusion
    • Mood changes
    • Dental problems
    • Nasal perforations and nose bleeds (among snorters)

The increase in use of this drug, and of any other drug for that matter, is just a consequence of the proportional decreasing of religious practice. If we deprive our children of the hope of heaven in a future life, they will seek the heaven on this earth, only to find that they are enslaved to drugs that will make their life a real hell on earth, and will make them start lying, stealing, prostituting, etc., and so will increase their risk of going to Hell after this life.

Let us pray for these poor souls and let us use the powerful prayer to Bl. Alfred Pampalon. There has been many reports of miraculous cures due to the Venerable’s intercession.

(for private use)

Dear Father Alfred, here is my prayer to you, listen to my cry, come to my help, obtain for me the favors I desire. You are well known as the protector of people who are suffering in body, mind and spirit.

You show special compassion for alcohol and drug addicts. You have freed so many people from their dependencies. Free me also, I beg you, dear Father Alfred, and free those people I recommend to you, especially members of my family.

I come to you with confidence. I pray for myself and for all those who are dear to me. Come also to the assistance of the Church and of the whole world. Amen.

Cum permissu superiorum
