
Communicantes: November 2001

Face up to Islam
Archbishop Bernardini

His Excellency Bernardini, Archbishop of Smyrna (Izmir) in Turkey, presented his experience of Islam to the Synod of bishops held at Rome in October of 1999. We believe it useful to recall here some of his remarks, which appeared in LOsservatore Romano of November 17, 1999.

I have been living in Turkey for the past 42 years, a country that is 99.9% Muslim, and I have been the Archbishop of Izmir – Asia Minor – for the past 16 years. The theme of my intervention is therefore obvious: the problem of Islam in Europe today and in the future. I thank Bishop Pelatre, who already spoke about this theme in this prestigious assembly, dispensing me therefore of a long examination and relative interpretations.

My intervention is to present a humble petition to the Holy Father above all. In order to be brief and clear, I will first make reference to three cases which, due to their provenance, I believe to be true:

Three examples:

1 – During an official meeting on Islamic-Christian dialogue, an authoritative Muslim person, speaking to the Christians participating, at one point said very calmly and assuredly: “Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you.”

This is to be believed because the “domination” has already begun with the “petro-dollars” used not to create work in the poor North African or Middle Eastern countries, but to build mosques and cultural centers in Christian countries with Islamic immigrants, including Rome, the center of Christianity. How can we fail to see in all this a clear programme of expansion and reconquest?

2 – During another Islamic-Christian meeting, always organized by Christians, a Christian participant publicly asked the Muslims present why they did not organize at least one meeting of this kind. The Muslim authority present answered in the following words: “Why should we? You have nothing to teach us and we have nothing to learn.”

A dialogue between deaf persons? It is a fact that terms such as “dialogue”, “justice”, “reciprocity”, or concepts such as “rights of man” and “democracy” have a completely different meaning for Muslims than for us.

But I believe that by now this is recongnized and admitted by all.

3 – In a Catholic monastery in Jerusalem there was – and perhaps still is – a Muslim Arab servant. A kind and honest person, he was respected greatly by the religious, who in turn were respected by him. One day, he sadly told them: “Our leaders have met and have decided that all the ‘infidels’ must be killed, but do not be afraid because I will kill you without making you suffer.”

We are all aware that we must distinguish the fanatic and violent minority from the tranquil and honest majority, but the latter, at an order given in the name of Allah or the Koran, will always march in unity and without hesitation. Anyway, history teaches us that determined minorities always manage to impose themselves on reluctant and silent majorities.


The lesson to be taken

It would be naive to underestimate or, worse yet, to smile at these three examples that I have given. It seems to me that we must seriously consider their dramatic teaching.

My attitude is not pessimistic, in spite of how it may appear. The Christian cannot be pessimitic, because Christ is risen and alive; He is God, unlike any other prophet, or one claiming to be such. The final victory will be Christ’s, but the times of God may be long, and often they are. He is patient and He waits for the conversion of sinners. In the meantime, however, He invites the Church to organize herself and to work to hasten the coming of His kingdom.


I conclude with an exhortation suggested to me by experience: do not allow Muslims ever to use a Catholic church for their worship because this would be for them the most certain proof of our apostasy.


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