"Tradidi quod et accepi"
"I transmitted what I have recieved"



Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


* * * *

No. 13 of a New Series
August - October 2002




The True Significance Of Padre Pio
Father Nicholas Mary

Spiritual Journey According To St. Thomas; Chapter Four: The Angels
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

The New Religion: Sermon For The Ordinations
Bishop Bernard Tissier De Mallerais

Interview Of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
First Published In Le Figaro In 1976

Padre Pio On Vatican II And The Novus Ordo
Brother Jean, OFM Cap.

Saint Padre Pio
By Roger Zielke

Is The Canonization Of Msgr Escriva De Balaguer To Be Considered Infallible?
Father Peter Scott

Open Letter To The Church: Renouncing My Service On I.C.E.L.
Father Stephen Somerville

Saint Thomas More
By Roger Zielke

The Martyrdom Of Saint Thomas More
William Roper, Harvard Classics

Pilgrimage To Saint Anne De Beaupré
Philippe Roy

Pilgrimage To Kaposvar, Saskatchewan
Father Gerard Rusak

Pilgrimage In Alberta
By Jean-Louis De Vriendt

British Columbia Altar Boy's Camp
Robert Suzuki

Altar Scouts Summer Camp In Dryden, Ontario
Father Gerard Rusak

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