
July - September 2004, No. 20

Toronto Herald

Fr. Mery's 25th Anniversary to the Priesthood
By Rev. Fr. Carl Sulzen SSPX

Fr. Mery with priests and servers on front steps

Group picture after Fr. Méry’s Mass

On Tuesday, June 29th, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Fr. Freddy Mery, member of the Society of St Pius X, celebrated is 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, conferred him on the same date in 1979 by H.E. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in Écône, Switzerland. Present were Fathers Jean Violette (District Superior of Canada), Gerard Rusak, Carl Sulzen, Patrick Girouard, and Stephen Somerville. There was first a Solemn High Mass celebrated by Fr. Mery, assisted by Fathers Rusak (Deacon), Girouard (Sub-Deacon), and Sulzen (Master of Ceremonies). Fr. Violette gave a sermon on the necessity of priests for the salvation of all, because without them we could not receive the Sacraments. He also talked about Fr. Mery's fidelity during these 25 years, and how a priest must live a life of sacrifice.

Fr. Rusak and Fr. Mery enter the church

Fr. Méry’s Solemn High Mass Procession in

After the gorgeous ceremony, enhanced by beautiful Gregorian chant, a banquet took place in a magnificent hall. About a hundred faithful were there, among them a couple from Alberta, and even somebody from British-Columbia! We must say that Father has ministered to these places over the years, and that people very much appreciated him. Towards the end of the meal Father received various gifts bought with the money collected throughout Canada: A beautiful gilded Chalice with its case, a new biretta, and a $875.00 cheque form the Calgary parish. Then Father thanked his collegues and all the faithful for attending, and emphasized
that it is Our Lord's priesthood which needs to be remembered on such occasions.

Congratulations to Fr. Mery! And may God keep you «ad multo annos»!

Fr. Mery prepares to give Holy Communion to the faithful

Fr. Méry’s Solemn High Mass Communion

Fr. Mery cuts the cake

Fr. Méry attacks the cake

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