
July - September 2004, No. 20

News From The West

The Girls Summer Camp
By Miss Melissa Green

Melissa Green


Monday morning was bright and beautiful as fifteen excited girls con-gregated in the basement of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Welwyn, Saskatchewan. The date was July 5th; the occasion, the second annual summer camp of the Girl Guides of Mary Immaculate (GGMI) and the Brownies of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The camp commenced with the celebration of Mass by the camp chaplain, Father Gerard Rusak. After Mass the girls returned to the church basement where they were divided into three teams, while the captain and assistant captain for each team announced what their patron saint and line-up cry was. A busy day followed in which one of the main activities was the setting up of tents.

Every day the Guides and Brownies rose at 6:30 am, and, after a few morning exercises, changed into uni-form. They then headed over to the church for the raising of the flags, morning prayers, and a sung high Mass. Following breakfast and clean-up was a conference for the older girls and other activities for the younger ones. Changing out of uniform, a game, chant practice, and lunch finished up the morning. In the afternoon the girls played another game, worked on their beautiful crafts, and either had showers or took part in another activity. After rosary and supper, each team rehearsed their skit for the camp-fire. The taking down of the flags, Compline, and a campfire finished off the evening. Each night the girls dropped into their sleeping bags, tired but happy, and looking forward to the next day's adventures.

Making stepping stones with broken pieces of glass
under the direction of Mrs. Imre Henye

The theme of this year's camp was Our Lord, and the majority of the week's activities were centered around this motif. For example, the skits and stories at the campfire were based on the miracles and parables of Jesus. The girls also listened to a reading of The Life of Our Lord during meal-times, while the Guides and Brownies had conferences and activities focus-ing on the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

It was a wonderful blessing to have Father Albert Kallio, a Dominican priest from France, present on the last two days of the week. He made a singular contribution to camp by giving a conference on vocations to the girls and by his knowledgeable com-mentary on the reading at the meals.

Cooking with grace and... smoke

We wish to thank all those who contributed to GGMI Camp 2004 in any way; the head Guider, head cook, camp nurse, and art teachers deserve a special round of applause. God will undoubtedly bless and reward them for giving Him a week of their busy lives.

A special thanks to Father Rusak for planning and directing the camp. It is primarily through his work that we have had two successful camps- camps in which young ladies receive much that is lacking to them in our modern world. Some of the main benefits include spending a week in a completely Catholic atmosphere, the development of artistic and culinary skills, having fun with like-minded friends, and foremost the spiritual benefits of daily Mass, rosary, conferences, and Compline.

Please pray for the continuation of such good work and that the girls of today's camp may become the valiant Christian women of tomorrow.

The GGMI, Brownies, Fathers Rusak SSPX and Kallio O.P.

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