
July - September 2005, No. 2

Rag Bag

Some News About Your ClergySome News About Your Clergy
By Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard SSPX

Fr. Patrick Girouard


We would like to ask our readers to join us in thanking heartily Almighty God and the Blessed Mother for two anniversaries: 1)On the feast of Saint Pius X, Sep. 3rd 2005, Rev. Brother Jean Marie Lefebvre S.C. (see color picture on page 32), celebrated his 80th birthday. He actually resides at our Priory of Vernon, British Columbia, and is in fairly good health. 2) On the Feast of All Saints, Nov. 1st, 2005, the same Rev. Brother Jean Marie Lefebvre will celebrate his 60th anniversary of religious life as a Sacred Heart Brother. These religious were teachers and had many schools throughout the world. Rev. Br. Lefebvre himself has three University degrees, and taught in Quebec for about forty years. Persecuted by his Congregation because of his unwavering fidelity to Tradition and the old Mass, he went to teach for a few years in the SSPX school of St. Mary’s, Kansas. He is currently devoting his life to contemplation and prayer. It would be great if many of our readers would send him a spiritual bouquet as a sign of gratefulness to God and His servant, Brother Lefebvre. Deo Gratias!

Some Changes… Briefly!

  • Rev. Fr. Dominique DeVriendt, teacher at our Calgary school, suffered a major heart attack in July. Thanks be to God, he is recovering well. But he will have to rest for a year at our priory of Vernon, B.C. He had just been named at a post in Australia, but he is now off the hook. Rev. Fr. Emanuel Herkel is replacing him in Calgary, and Rev. Fr. Loren Gerspacher replaces Fr. Herkel in Vernon. He was in the Philippines before, as Novice Master in our Brothers’ Noviciate of Ilo-Ilo. Originally from Langley, he is now going back to his Province of origin (as Fr. Herkel, by the way).
  • Rev. Fr. Patrick Abbet, teacher at our school in Lévis, Quebec, has been named Seminary Professor in Winona, MN. He is replaced by Rev. Fr. Medard BieBibang from Gabon (Africa). PLEASE PRAY SO THAT FR. BIEBIBANG MAY SOON OBTAIN HIS CANADIAN VISA.
  • Rev. Mr. Dominic May, from Calgary, has been ordained Deacon last June in Winona. Congratulations! He should become Priest, God willing, next June.
  • We have two new Canadian Seminarians this fall: Mr. Jonathan Prescott, from Winnipeg (Manitoba) is entering Winona, and Mr. Pierre Roy, from Lévis is now in Flavigny (France).
  • Mr. Fernand Roy has completed his year of postulancy as a Brother in Flavigny, and started his Noviciate on September 29th. Deo Gratias!
  • To all these Priests, Seminarians, Brothers, and numerous Sisters, we wish all the best. We will keep them in our prayers.
    We must not forget to thank those young Canadian men and women who honestly tried their best to consecrate their lives to God, and who had to go back in the world, for lack of vocation, illness, etc. They have prayed, worked, studied, suffered, sometimes for a few years, in order to serve God. These efforts were not in vain, even if these young persons had to go back to the secular life. They have become better Catholics, and they have obtained many graces for us. God always blesses those who had the courage to leave everything behind, even if their goal of a consecration to Him could not finally be attained.
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI

Little Birds and Rumors…

A little bird from North Carolina told us His Excellency Bishop Williamson commented on the rumor about His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, who would have admitted to an anonymous source in Austria his feeling guilty about two things: the false revelation or interpretation of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, and the unsuccessfulness of the 1988 negotiations with Archbishop Lefebvre. As Bishop Williamson said: If it is not true, it would still remain “true to life”, since the then Cardinal Ratzinger did play an infamous and leading role in the two events. Another little bird (Cf. tells us His Eminence Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez would have recently declared the Pope was about to grant an Universal Indult allowing any Catholic Priest in the world to celebrate Mass according to the rite of St. Pius V. The CBC radio said, on October 2nd, that the question about such an Indult would be discussed by the Bishops surrounding the Pope, on the occasion of a Synod in Rome. We recall that Bishop Fellay said many times that such an Indult would be a pre-condition for any negotiation with Rome. Would such an Indult be a result of the August 29th meeting between Bishop Fellay and the Pope? Time will tell.

A Bigger Mission

Rev. Fr. Gerard Rusak, Prior in Winnipeg (Manitoba), has made some important changes in the Mass schedule of our missions. All of them used to have Mass every three weeks. Please note that, since September, the Mass schedule for the Priory’s missions is as follow: 1st Sunday of the month: Welwyn, SK (10:00 am); 2nd Sunday: Regina, SK (10:00), and Saskatoon, SK (05:00 pm); 3rd Sunday: Welwyn, SK (10:00); 4th Sunday: Dryden, ONT (10:00 am); 5th Sunday (if any): Welwyn, SK (10:00), and Regina, SK (05:00 pm). Therefore, Welwyn is now favored. This mission has grown a lot for the last two or three years, and has actually more than sixty parishioners. They also started a school this fall, and they will probably attract more families for that reason. Future seems very encouraging there, since people are very dedicated, and all those who moved there are happy with the way things are. There is a good catholic spirit up there; it is indeed refreshing. May God bless the efforts of this striving community!

Students at the Welwyn School
At the Welwyn School
