District Superior's Letters

September 2006

Dear faithful,

As you have probably already learnt, his Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay, the General Superior of the Society of Saint-Pius X, has assigned me in Canada as the new District Superior, in substitution to Father Jean Violette who has been assign to the United States. I am pleased to join myself to the thankfulness that you manifested and that you keep towards him for the work he has done in Canada during the past six years. Father Violette left for his new occupation in Kansas City a few weeks ago but he gifted us with a visit in Toronto and we exchanged all the necessary information which I need to undertake on my new responsibility in the district. We wish him many blessings and success in his new apostolate.

My first concern will be to discover this beautiful and gigantic country, the work that has been done, for so many years now, by the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X and with the help of many of you. After spending some time in Toronto, I intend to go and visit different places. It won’t be possible to see every location during these first months, the distances are so huge, but I want to see in priority the places where the Priests live, the different priories and main chapels, keeping the other places for later on.

You might also have learnt that Bishop Tissier de Mallerais will visit us, for a Confirmation tour, at the end of November and the beginning of December. I will accompany him and hopefully, will be able to meet many of you at this occasion.

The main concern of our work is “to restore all things in Christ” as wanted Saint Pius X. It is our most essential and crucial work. Our central mission is to arrange things so that Our Lord Jesus Christ may reign in our souls, in other words that Our Saviour may be first served. Then, reigning in our souls, Christ must also be at the first place in our families, parishes, and even in all our cities and provinces… This is quite an endeavor, but it is what we are bound to work for and let us remember to God nothing is impossible. So let us not be men of “little faith” but on the contrary “missionary men”.

To end this first letter, I would like to invite you, dear faithful, to be very generous in praying the rosary, joining the spiritual bouquet, which will be offered to the Pope. Please, remember the intentions which are those of the Crusade Rosary that you have been holding already for a long time in Canada, that is to say the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, the ministry of the Society of St. Pius X in Canada, the sanctification of the members of the Society and the awakening of many priestly and religious vocations in the district, the sanctification and the salvation of the members of our families. To these intentions, which remain always in your hearts as in mine, we must add a more worldwide intention that is the restoration of the Mass of all time. Let us be extremely generous in offering prayers at such a significant intention.

May our prayers be heard from heaven and our demand granted, so that all things may be restored in Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Social Kingship returned and that the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumphs.

With my prayers and blessing,

Father Arnaud Rostand

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