District Superior's Letters

August 2008

My dear faithful,

As you have most certainly already heard, several nominations have intervened this summer among the priests of the district of Canada.

Firstly, Father Jean de l’Estourbeillon, after 9 years in Canada, has been assigned to Ridgefield, Connecticut. Father Vincent d’André will replace him as director of the Holy Family School (Levis). Father Romain Pons, who was ordained to the priesthood this past June 29th at Econe, will join the community.

Father Frank Riccomini, after having passed too short a year in Toronto, has also been assigned to the United States at Our Lady of La Salette Academy (Georgetown, IL).

Father Peter Scott leaves Australia, where he directed the Holy Cross Seminary, to go to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy in Wilmot, Ontario. He will direct the opening in the beginning of September, with the assistance of Fr. Dominic May.

And finally, I will also leave Canada in a few days to take up my new post as Superior of the U.S. District. Father Jürgen Wegner will replace me as the head of the District of Canada. Ordained a priest in 1991, Rev. Fr. Wegner has good priestly experience. He was, besides other places, the Superior of Belgium and Holland for nine years. I am sure that you will welcome him with great charity as you have welcomed me. We wish him numerous graces in this new apostolate.

I would really like to thank you with all my heart, priests and faithful of Canada, for the two beautiful years passed among you. I thank you in particular for your support with our project of the new school in Ontario, but still more for your assistance in augmenting the Saint Joseph Bursary Fund in order to be able to help our schools today as well as those of the future. Know that I will keep you in my prayers and I hope that you will be so kind as to continue to pray for me.

We must know how to render thanks to God for all of His benefits. It is He, the Creator and Master of all things, who governs us, and it is He whom we seek to serve wherever He is pleased to send us. Thus, it is in the light of the faith that we endeavor to see all these events or changes that concern us and affect us. Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum!

I would like also in this letter, which will be my last, to appeal again to your generosity. In fact, the works done in the new school at Wilmot have rather dried up our financial resources and we risk having some difficulties to pay these last bills. One more time, I entrust this concern to your charity.

Please be assured, my dear faithful, of my prayers and of my blessing.

Fr. Arnaud Rostand
District Superior of Canada

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