
April 2008


Our Mass stipends having not been modified for over fifteen years, we are obliged to adjust the rates within the Society of Saint Pius X in Canada as follows:

                                    For ONE MASS (low or sung):                      $20
                                    For a NOVENA OF MASSES:                     $200
                                    For THIRTY GREGORIAN MASSES:       $800


1)      The stipend in no way corresponds with the value of a Mass, which is of infinite value. Expressions such as: “How much does a Mass cost?” or “How much is it for a Mass?” are inaccurate and should not be used. The correct form is: “What is the stipend (or honorarium) for a Mass?”

2)      Given the small number of faithful priests and the great number of Masses which we are asked to offer, it is a) impossible for us to make the distinction between “a sung Mass” and “a low Mass”, and it is for this reason that the stipend is the same for both; b) almost impossible for us to give specific dates when the Masses will be celebrated.

3)      Mass stipends are not gifts to help the Society in our various ministries, or with the upkeep of our chapels, schools or priories. The stipends are given to the priest who actually celebrates the Mass and he cannot make use of the money until the Mass has been offered. Mass stipends are the sole revenue for the personal needs of the priests of the Society and the amount received as honoraria for Masses is not included in the monies received as gifts for the Society. For this reason, since they are not shown in our books as “charitable donations”, it is not possible for us to give income tax receipts for Mass stipends.

4)      We ask those who wish to have Masses said to please indicate clearly on a piece of paper the intention and the name of the donor and to include it and the stipend in an envelope to our attention.

We thank you for your gracious cooperation and assure you of our prayers for all your intentions.

“At the moment of the Consecration, in virtue of the words of the priest, Heaven opens and the King, Jesus Christ, followed by the angels, His courtiers, comes down from Heaven”. (St. Gregory the Great).

Devotedly yours in the Holy Family,

Father Arnaud Rostand

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