–April 2006
It is easy to tell when something important is going to happen.
The devil who always “lies in wait for her heel”
(Gen.: 3, 15) may have lost the war but he is still fighting
every battle. He tries either to prevent the good from being
done and if he is not able to prevent it, he at least tries
to diminish it. Clearly the devil is pulling all the stops
to insinuate doubts, hesitations; create confusion and division
in view of the upcoming General Chapter of the SSPX. His purpose
is to divide and conquer. If he can divide the traditional
movement he will ruin it since a house divided cannot stand.
He has of course as in all his attacks associates who carry
out his work.
of his favourite tactics is to spread rumours. Many of you
have read or heard the rumours circulating about H. E. Bishop
Fellay and Reverend Father Franz Schmidberger: how they have
had secret meetings with Vatican authorities and how they
have already sold out the SSPX and the traditionalist movement
by secret accords with Rome, and will deliver the SSPX to
Rome at Easter; how Bishop Fellay has a direct telephone line
to the Pope, etc. Those who spread these rumours are the enemies
of the traditional movement and do the devil’s work.
of this garbage emanates from a tabloid style website called
Traditio and of one who calls himself “Fr Moderator”,
whoever this person may be. If he has any proof of what he
advances let him bring it forward. It is easy to hide behind
anonymity and anonymous sources. The method used is simple:
defame and discredit others by rumours and insinuations. Is
it jealousy, is it boredom or is it just simply evil? As Catholics,
it is obvious we cannot use the same tactics against our opponents.
Fellay and Fr Schmidberger obviously do not need me to defend
them. But I still write in case some of you might be troubled
by these calumnious allegations and to give you the real story.
Last month Fr Schmidberger visited Canada giving a series
of conferences about the situation. I also heard Bishop Fellay
last February in Winona. Neither of them sounded like they
were about to compromise. On the contrary it sounded like
they have a good grasp of the situation and are standing firm
before Rome.
you know, on August 29, Benedict XVI accompanied by Cardinal
Dario Castrillón Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation
for the Clergy and President of Ecclesia Dei Commission,
who has been explicitly chosen by the Pope to deal with us,
received Bishop Fellay and Fr Schmidberger in audience at
Castel Gandolfo. The audience lasted 35 minutes. The main
difficulty between the Society and Rome, which was brought
up by the Pope, is the question of the acceptance of the Council,
interpreted in the light of the living Tradition, the only
permissible interpretation. The Holy Father also spoke on
a more practical level saying: “I understand that you
require a structure to protect you…” Seeing Cardinal
Castrillón’s haste “to solve the problem,”
Mgr Fellay expressed that things could not move so quickly
and that it was necessary to proceed by stages. The idea of
stages was retained in the statement issued after the audience.
September 3, Bishop Fellay sent a letter to Benedict XVI thanking
him for the interview and to point out clearly our differences
regarding the Council, because it is obvious that this will
be the greatest obstacle during this pontificate.
November 15, Bishop Fellay, accompanied by Fr Nély,
the district superior for Italy, met Cardinal Castrillón
in his apartments. He was accompanied by two secretaries.
The discussion lasted approximately five hours. Wrote Mgr
Fellay: This discussion was one of the most interesting
that we have had up to now. We were able to develop our objections,
presenting with more precision what we expect from Rome: we
are wary of Rome and if Rome wants to arrange things, it must
start by regaining our trust. This could be done only by concrete
acts. Words are not enough. These acts would be, on the one
hand, passing judgment on errors, and taking disciplinary
and liturgical stances. On the other hand, and in a more positive
way, the Church will not overcome the crisis if it does not
again support Catholic traditional life in all its amplitude:
teaching (doctrines, Faith, Catholic schools), the traditional
liturgy focusing the Church on Our Lord, sacrifice and the
spirit of sacrifice, morals and discipline, religious life,
main point of discord is and remains the acceptance of Vatican
II. As long as this is required of us it is impossible to
come to any understanding. As Archbishop Lefebvre said to
the then Cardinal Ratzinger since Vatican II: “We
are going in opposite directions.” This is why
there is not a question of negotiations. As I’ve said
many times, we have nothing to negotiate.
The question of an apostolic administration or whatever other
structure was brought forward by Rome, not by us. Nothing
concrete has ever been proposed. On the contrary, the concrete
acts we have asked for and continue to ask as a sign that
we can trust the Roman authorities, before things go further,
are two: freedom for the Mass for all priests and that the
so-called excommunication be rescinded. I do not say lifted
because it was never incurred. The SSPX and those who adhere
to Tradition are not the problem!
an interview to the Italian Magazine “30 Days”
last September, which went almost unnoticed and unmentioned
by the media and the Episcopal chanceries around the world,
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, confirmed that “the
mass of Saint Pius V has never been abolished” and the
Episcopal consecrations of 1988 “was not a formal schism”.
“The Fraternity has always recognized in John Paul II,
and now in Benedict XVI, the legitimate successor of Saint
Peter. That is not a problem.” Therefore the prohibition
of the Mass of St Pius V is not legitimate and no indult or
special permission is necessary to say it. Also the so-called
schism does not exist and the resulting so-called excommunication
is without foundation. We’ve known it all along, but
it is good to hear someone in such high authority in Rome
say so openly. When we ask for the 2 conditions mentioned
above we simply ask for justice. Is this too much to ask for
from Rome?
purpose of the meetings continues to be the purpose of Archbishop
Lefebvre when he met with the Roman authorities: witness to
the faith, to restate the Catholic teaching and help them
return to the integrity of the faith by clearing their minds
of the new philosophy and theology which is responsible for
Vatican II and its reforms, especially ecumenism. This is
what Bishop Fellay continues, faithful to the Archbishop.
Obviously the sedevacantists, who do not believe we have a
pope, find it useless to have relations with one whom they
do not recognize. But that is their problem. Father Schmidberger
dealt with sedevacantism in his conference.
the fight is far from over and it seems there is another enemy
trying to divide. Continue to pray. Again I ask you to offer
your first Friday and first Saturday devotions for the General
Chapter which will be held in July. Offer your Lenten sacrifices
for the Church, the Pope, Cardinals and Bishops. It is very
important that we not only pray, but also make many sacrifices.
Be assured of our prayers and sacrifices for all of you. Wishing
you all a joyful and blessed Easter.
my blessing,
Jean Violette