Easter has come and gone and the predicted disasters
and sell-out have not occurred. Surprise! Surprise!
We are told it is because Bishop Fellay finally saw
the light, seeing things the way Tradito sees them.
These people are amazing! But seriously, it is rather
due to the fact that Bishop Fellay always held the same
course and never had any intention of selling out.
few words on the upcoming General Chapter.
is the General Chapter? It is the highest and extraordinary
instance in any well constituted religious society in
the Church. The SSPX, being somewhat modeled on the
Holy Ghost Fathers, holds its General Chapter every
12 years, but in cases of necessity the Superior General
can convene all the superiors to deal with special business.
It alone is authorized to change the Statutes of the
Society when the need arises. This will be the third
General Chapter in the Society’s history.
main purpose of the ordinary General Chapter is the
election of the Superior General and his assistants.
According to the Statutes: “It also has the purpose
of examining whether the Society is conscientiously
applying the statutes and trying to maintain their spirit.”
takes part in the General Chapter? Some are members
“ex-officio”, according to their office
or duties in the Society. These members are: The outgoing
Superior General and his two assistants, the Secretary
General and the Bursar General; District Superiors,
Seminary Superiors and Superiors of autonomous houses
(countries not yet erected as districts). The Society
presently has 19 districts and autonomous houses and
6 seminaries. In addition the senior members of the
Society are invited up to the number of 40.
preparation for the Chapter, every member of the Society
is invited to make suggestions regarding matters to
be discussed at the meeting. Obviously, the Superior
General and his council prepare a report on the state
of the Society as well as matters for discussion. Special
prayers are asked of all the members for the intention
of the Chapter.
The Chapter will begin on July 3rd with a few informal
days to give a chance to all to meet and get to know
each other. The SSPX is big enough now so that there
are confreres we have never met. There follows a five
day retreat. The meeting proper begins after the retreat
with the report of the outgoing Superior General on
the state of the SSPX. The next order of business is
the election by secret ballot of the Superior General
and his assistants. The outgoing Superior can be re-elected.
The Superior General must obtain two thirds majority
of the votes. The assistants need an absolute majority.
All three must be at least 30 years of age, be priest
or bishop and be a permanent member of the Society.
After the election, the new Superior then assumes the
presidency of the meeting which will deal with the different
business matters of the Society.
25th, the feast of the Ascension, surrounded by family
and friends, Father Stephen Somerville celebrated the
50th anniversary of his ordination, at our chapel in
Toronto. Father celebrated a solemn high Mass and gave
a sermon on the parallels between the Ascension and
the Priesthood. It was very rejoicing to see many persons
from our different groups, mostly from Ontario, who
came to take part in Father’s joy and thanksgiving.
of you have no doubt heard of Fr. Somerville and maybe
even heard him in his conferences on his work with ICEL
and his return to the Mass of his ordination, his public
apologies and recanting of his work in the Novus Ordo.
We have witnessed the great courage, conviction and
zeal of his return. So these celebrations were also
for us an occasion to thank Divine Providence for the
great gift of the priesthood and especially for the
good example given to us by someone like Father Somerville.
year is a special year for Canada. Almighty God is blessing
us with another Canadian priest, Rev. Mr. Dominic May,
from Alberta. Holy Family School will also celebrate
as Rev. Mr. Mark Stafki, an American who has spent the
last school year working at the school and learning
French, will also be ordained to the holy priesthood
of our Lord.
you for your continued support. Please keep up your
prayers. Be assured of ours.
my blessing,
Fr. Jean Violette