District Superior's Letters

January 2001

Dear Faithful,

First I want to thank all of you for your kind cards, prayers and generous gifts during the holiday season. May Our Lady and Her Divine Son reward you a hundredfold. I hope all of you have had a happy and blessed Christmas and that the New Year has begun well for you. On behalf of our community and myself personally receive our best wishes for you for a happy and holy New Year 2001. God alone knows what it has in store for us. Let us leave it to Him to unfold it as He knows best.

As a new year begins I think it is important to reset our sights and remember that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but "against the spirits of wickedness in the high places" (Eph 6,12); remember the fight is essentially supernatural and we should always keep it supernatural.

Indeed it seems to me that the real crux of the crisis in the Church is the destruction of the supernatural life. Indeed the present crisis is more than just a question of the Mass or of denying this or that dogma. This is what seems to have escaped conservative groups. The crisis centers around the attack, the confusion, the distortion, indeed the denial of the difference between the natural and supernatural life. From this comes the infatuation with the dignity of the human person and the false extension of the rights of man without any regard to his duties, least of all his duties towards God. This is why for the Modernists all religions are good and lead to God, this is why all men are saved whether they know it or not, want it or not. It is nothing else than naturalism and the total destruction of the only supernatural order established by Our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind even if the exteriors remain: bells and smells.

This is why we so much need your prayers and sacrifices. These are the instruments Our Lady will use to crush the devil's proud head. Don't fall into the devil's trap. What is needed is not political agitation. On this turf we will lose the battle, it is the devil's playing field. We do not have to fight with the sword or guns: `for all that take the sword (or guns) shall perish with the sword." (Matt 26,52) What then? Simply resist the plotters and suffer patiently whatever may be said or done against us.[1]  Only prayers and sacrifices and ultimately martyrdom; "for you have not yet resisted unto blood"(Heb 12,4), but it will come since "without the shedding of blood there is no remission" (Heb 9,22). This is how Our Lord and His true disciples have overcome the world the flesh and the devil. But don't panic! The graces will be given when needed.

A good instrument in the fight is the Holy Rosary. Say your Rosary every day. I know many do but may there always be more of you. Join the Rosary Crusade. Shortly we hope to publish a Rosary Crusade newsletter.

Another good antidote to naturalism: the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius which plunge us into the supernatural environment: creation, the purpose of life, sin, death & judgment, hell, the calling of Christ the King to all men to enter His service and what this service is. This is our true life, our only life, and the only one that matters. Many of you have followed these spiritual Exercises and I hope more of you will. It is so important because of the world we live in. Our fidelity to Our Lord and His Church may depend on it. It will certainly be a great help. Plan to attend a retreat this year. You will find the dates for the Shawinigan retreats on the back of this letter.

Someone mentioned to me that I had not put in an application form for the Apostolate of Prayers for Priests. Maybe this a reason why we did not get many responses. Please find one at the end of this letter.

Be assured of our daily prayers for your continued fidelity for which we thank you. The monthly Mass for Friends and Benefactors as always is offered on the last Sunday of the month. An Irish blessing: "May your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions"

With my blessing

Father Jean Violette

[1] The Liturgical Year by Dom Gu6ranger, Vol. 2, Christmas, St Thomas of Canterbury.


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