Dear Faithful,
By now all of you have heard about the discussions between
Rome and the SSPX. I have read all kinds of ridiculous, and
pompous declarations concerning this; how the SSPX is going
to betray, turn everything over to Rome etc. It’s odd how
people who have no idea of what is going on can make up all
kinds of stories and suppositions and rumors. What is going
It seems that indeed the Roman authorities were so impressed
with our pilgrimage last August that they want to find some
solution for these “5000 excommunicated” who went to Rome
to pray for the Pope and the Church. Following our pilgrimage
cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, mandated by the Pope to find some
solution, had a first contact with the SSPX bishops. This
was reported in one of Bishop Williamson’s letters. More
meetings followed between the cardinal and Bishop Fellay.
In January of this year the general council and the 3 other
SSPX bishops met with a representative of Bishop Rangel of
Brazil to discuss how to deal with this new situation.
This situation is a new one. Rome being the instigator of
the proceedings it is normal that the SSPX examine it seriously.
But seeing what cardinal Castrillon Hoyos himself has just
done to the Fraternity of St Peter and seeing that Rome is
continuing with its post-conciliar attitude how can we trust
them? Bishop Fellay told the cardinal that if anything ever
transpired from these meetings we want guaranties that we
will not be ensnared like the FSP. He asked for two signs
on the part of Rome which would give us some proof of their
good will: first that the traditional Mass be made free for
all priests all over the world without any restrictions i.e.
the simple application of St Pius V’s Bull Quo Primum
and secondly the withdrawal of the censures against the our
bishops. Recently I’ve just received news that Bishop
Fellay had stopped the talks because Cardinal Hoyos while
making available interesting terms to the SSPX did not deal
adequately with the 2 requests especially the first one: freedom
for the Mass. It was to be expected in a way.
then why even talk to them?
Firstly to affirm the truth of the Catholic faith in Rome.
This is why Archbishop Lefebvre never refused to go to Rome.
The truth must be affirmed above all in Rome, to all these
modernists who occupy the seats of authority in Rome. Let
no one be under any illusion. These talks do not signal a
return of Rome to tradition. The corruption of minds is so
deep, the belief in Vatican II so firm as proven by the declaration
Dominus Jesus of cardinal Ratzinger last year and the
Lutheran Accord of 1999 and the continuing ecumenism.
It will take time for them to return, to accept they have
made a mistake.
Secondly, no matter what any one says, the solution to the
present crisis will come from Rome. It will not come from
Ecône, nor from America, or from the UK, from France nor from
the traditional clergy getting together to elect a pope.
The end of the present crisis will come when the Roman authorities,
present or future, return to the faith and it will happen
one day. When? We don’t know, but it will happen. We have
a duty to do what we can to bring this about were it only
to bear witness to the truth.
Thirdly it is a chance for us to state clearly our positions.
These talks are not really a negotiation, search for an agreement.
When there is question of an agreement there is a question
of bargaining, of give and take. When it comes to the faith
there is no agreement possible. Such is the case here. We
are not bargaining. We want to speak about doctrine, we want
them to accept us as we are or not at all. They want to speak
about unity, probably aware of the contradiction of their
attitude towards us when they bend over backwards for the
Lutherans and Orthodox. It may all come to nothing; it may
happen that they are not ready to accept us as we are. Then
we will simply continue has we have done for the past 30 years
until God sees fit to change the minds of those in authority.
Fourthly we must not think that the Modernists’ return to
tradition will be instantaneous, it could be if Our Lord so
decided, but chances are it will not. It will take time;
the war will still go on. But the restoration has to start
sometime. I think it would certainly be a start if Rome did
recognize us as we are. If the so-called excommunications
were retracted we would be free to continue our work and people
would no longer be scared away by lies. But this can only
come without compromise. The SSPX wants absolutely nothing
to do with the new Mass and other modern errors nor do we
want to be muzzled.
We want to keep our freedom not only to continue our apostolate
but also to fight the modern errors including the new Mass,
ecumenism, religious freedom, collegiality to name a few.
Recently a new study on the new Mass by some of our priests
was completed and was given to Cardinal Hoyos, Ratzinger and
Medina and other dignitaries in Rome. The Ottaviani intervention
showed how the new Mass departed from the teaching of the
Catholic Church on the Mass, this new study shows where the
new Mass is going, what it is built on: a totally new theology
of redemption which is not Catholic, it is barely Protestant!
So the SSPX has no intention of modifying its principles and
line of conduct.
Dear faithful it is providential that these events happen
as we enter the Lenten season. Certainly this intention is
worthy of our prayers and sacrifices. It is essential that
we keep before our eyes the big picture. What is at stake
is not just our little Mass centers and the SSPX but the
Catholic Church, millions of souls who are lead astray by
the scandals coming from Rome and the diocesan chanceries
all over the world. I wonder if most of our faithful are not
becoming too complacent and comfortable. I fear many have
lost the fighting spirit.
is a time to rekindle this spirit. Lent is as much a part
of the Catholic faith as the Blessed Sacrament, the Immaculate
Conception and the seven sacraments. It is a time to prove
we are Catholics, not just in words but also in deeds by our
good works of prayer, penance, alms and retirement from the
world. It is therefore a time of great grace, a time of payers:
the rosary, daily Mass, the Way of the Cross, a retreat, a
good general confession etc; a time of penance: fasting and
abstinence are still the mind of the Church for the 40 days
or at least a few days each week; a time of charitable works:
alms for the poor, for the missions, for our schools by supporting
St Joseph’s Bursary or Fr le Roux’s recent appeal; a time
for fleeing the world: TV, radio, sports, video games, Internet,
movies, parties. We must purify ourselves and unburden ourselves
of our sins if we want to be pleasing to God and ask Him to
hear our prayers.
us Catholics remember that amidst the great religious movement
which is now going on, it is our duty to be not only most
firm in our faith, but also most zealous in the observance
of the laws of the Church, such for example Lent. The apostolate
of example will produce its fruits; and if a mere handful
of Christians was to the Roman empire like that leaven of
which our Saviour speaks, and which leavened the whole mass,
what results might we not expect in a country like our own,
which has retained so much Catholic practice and doctrine
if the Catholics themselves were but zealous in the exercise
of their duties.” [1]
assured of our gratitude and our daily prayers for you and
all your intentions especially at the daily Rosary which is
offered for all our friends & benefactors. As usual the
monthly Mass for friends & benefactors will be offered
on the last Sunday of the month.
With my
Jean Violette
[1] The Liturgical Year by Dom Guéranger Vol. 5 Lent,
p. 161