November 2000
Dear Faithful,
November 1st marked the 30th anniversary
of the founding of the Society by Archbishop Lefebvre. If
the last 30 years have been rich in trials, which are the
sign of God's work, they have also been rich in blessings
for which we must thank almighty God. Could the Archbishop
have foreseen all that would come from this humble foundation
30 years ago?
First our 401 priests and 200 seminarians
in seven seminaries who try to remain faithful to the ideal
of our founder: "to transmit... in all of its doctrinal
purity and all of its missionary charity, the Catholic Priesthood
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, just as He conferred it on His Apostles,
just as the Roman Church always transmitted it until the middle
of the twentieth century." (Spiritual Journey by Archbishop
Lefebvre, Preface). We thank God especially for our four bishops
whom Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated so as to not leave us
orphans. We thank them for having accepted this tremendous
duty and burden of ordaining priests and administering the
sacrament of confirmation all over the world. In June this
year H. L. Bishop Tissier de Mallerais also celebrated his
25th anniversary of ordination. Deo gratias!
Secondly the other branches which came forth
as a consequence of the priestly society, our Brothers, Sisters
and Oblates who dedicate themselves to the service of the
priesthood, praying and sacrificing for priests as well as
assisting them and in certain cases relieving them from many
temporal preoccupations in order that they can devote themselves
more fully to their spiritual apostolate. These families
of the Society provide an occasion for many young men and
women to follow their calling to a more perfect life in a
truly catholic atmosphere. We could add the other religious
families encouraged and supported by Archbishop Lefebvre and
the SSPX: Dominicans, Benedictines, Redemptorists, Capucins
who receive holy orders from our bishops. As well many female
orders who have as chaplains priests of the SSPX.
Thirdly, the Third Order of the SSPX for
those persons held by obligations in the world but who want
to do a little bit more in the way of prayers and sacrifices
especially in fighting the spirit of the world so opposed
to the spirit of Our Lord, by following the laws of marriage
and throwing out one of the greatest enemies of the spiritual
life: their television. Then there are also the many persons
and families who after being scandalized by the conciliar
Church, have come back to the practice of the faith thanks
to the Archbishop and his work. How many persons have discovered
their vocation in life, have come back to a true prayer life,
the reception of the sacraments and the following of God's
law especially in the married state. What an occasion of
sacrifices, sometimes heroic on the part of the laypeople.
Here we can mention the special place the Spiritual Exercises
of St Ignatius preached by the SSPX priests have played in
such miracles of grace. These Spiritual Exercises are one
of the greatest gifts God gave to the Society through Father
Barrielle (RIP 1983). The many Catholic schools, two Catholic
universities and now retirement homes in different countries
are also a sign of God's blessings on our work.
Society will not be converted nor the Catholic
Church restored to Her former beauty but by true priests who
preach the true word of God, administer the true sacraments
and offer the true sacrifice of the Mass; by true religious
who live the sacrifice of the Mass they attend daily by the
practice of the three vows of chastity, poverty and obedience;
and by true Catholic families who faithful to their duty,
generously accept the children God sends them and from their
infancy teach them "to fear God, and to abstain from
all sin". (Tobias 1, 10)
There is also the physical expansion of the
SSPX's work despite the persecution of the conciliar Church.
Seven seminaries on five continents, the nearly 110 priories,
900 Mass centers, 60 educational institutions, 8 retreat houses,
and chaplaincy of 8 non-SSPX communities. We do have many
graces to be thankful for.
But the main focus of the Society remains
the priesthood and the priesthood for sacrifice. This is
why I would like to write a few words concerning what I consider
to be a very important apostolate: the "Apostolate of
Prayers for Priests".
The Apostolate began in Australia, the fruit
of an Ignatian retreat in 1989 and received the blessing of
Archbishop Lefebvre. Its aim is the sanctification of priests
through the prayers and sacrifices of its members who pray
for: the perseverance of faithful priests, the strengthening
of weak priests and priests tempted in their vocation, the
conversion and return of those who have fallen away, the deliverance
of priestly souls from Purgatory. No priests are excluded
from their prayers. They pray especially for the Pope, cardinals
and bishops.
The Apostolate is open to all practicing
Traditional Catholics who find it a special duty of gratitude
to pray for those who provide for their spiritual needs.
Members individually or as a group may adopt a particular
priest for whom they wish to pray regularly along with the
general intentions of the Apostolate. Twice a year in June,
the month of the Sacred Heart, and October, month of the Rosary,
each member is allocated a particular priest for whom he has
to pray for especially.
Certain prayers are to be said daily. They
will be communicated to those who want to join this apostolate.
Thursday, day of the institution of the priesthood, members
are encouraged to attend Mass and a Holy Hour for priests
either before the Blessed Sacrament exposed or simply before
the tabernacle.
The Apostolate presently has members in Australia,
Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Holland, England and Philippines.
But we need more members. If you wish to join this
important and necessary apostolate, please write to us here
in Toronto and we will forward your names to the central office
in Australia.
Dear faithful none of us are worthy of the
graces we have received. But we have received them and now
we must be faithful to them with God's help and especially
we priests. But we cannot do it without your prayers and
sacrifices. I am sure one of the causes of the present crisis
is the lack of prayers offered for priests in the past. Some
seem to think priests do not need prayers, that they are not
tempted, that they were invincible, that they are automatically
saved. It is not so. Let me assure you that the devil works
harder on priests than on any other. Please pray for priests
and especially for those who look after your spiritual needs.
Otherwise they might be taken away from you...again. And
if your present duties allow please consider joining. But
remember it is an extra burden, so don’t take it on if you
will not be able to fulfil the requirements. Pray also for
many priestly and religious vocations.
Also please keep in mind
that as of now the Mass stipends for the district are $15.00.
The stipend is not the price for a Mass, but a donation, an
alm for the support of the priest; as St Paul says: "they
that serve the altar, partake with the altar. So also the
Lord ordained that they who preach the Gospel, should live
by the Gospel." (I Cor., 9,13‑14). As the priests
of the district receive no salary the daily Mass stipend of
$15.00 is what they have for their personal needs apart for
the other donations they receive from your generosity. So
please keep this in mind when sending in Mass request. Also
please when sending in a Mass stipend by mail always include
your return address so we can notify you.
A few
words on Advent. For most people Advent is just so
many shopping days left till Christmas. During Advent the
Church certainly commemorates the 4000 years humanity waited
for Our Lord in His first coming. But there are two other
comings for which she prays for: the coming to every soul
and the last Judgement. The Church prays that Our Lord visit
her in her hierarchy; in her members, of whom some are living,
and some are dead, but may come to life again. Lastly, she
prays that He visit those who are outside the fold that so
they may be converted to the true light, which shines even
for them. "In vain would the Son of God have come, nineteen
hundred years ago, to visit and save mankind, unless He came
again for each one of us and at every moment of our lives,
bringing to us and cherishing within us that supernatural
life, of which He and His holy Spirit are the sole principle."[1] But she prays also for the a third coming, "she is impatient
to be loosed from her present temporal state; she longs for
the number of the elect to be filled up, and to see appear,
in the clouds of heaven, the sign of her Deliverer and her
Spouse. But the day of this His last coming to her will be
a day of terror. (...) Not that she fears for herself,...
but her maternal heart is troubled at the thought that, on
the same day, so many of her children will be on the left
hand of the Judge, and, having no share with the elect, will
be bound hand and foot, and cast into the darkness, where
there shall be everlasting weeping and gnashing of teeth."[2]
So Advent is a time of prayer and penance not parties. Be
careful not to waste the graces.
Thank you for your continued support. In
return you can count on our prayers for you, your families
and all your intentions, especially at daily Mass.
With my
Jean Violette
[1] Dom Guéranger, The Liturgical Year. Vol 1 Mystery
of Advent.
to October 2000
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