Eucharistic Crusade

Martyr of the Month

St. Bibiana

Feast Day – December 2


St. Bibiana was born in Rome and lived there all her life.  It was the time in Rome that persecutions against Christians were rampant.  Bibiana’s father, named Flavian, was arrested, burned in the face with a hot iron, and was banished toa place called Acquapendente, where he died of his wounds a few days later.  Bibiana’s mother was caught some time after and beheaded.  Bibiana was left with her sister, Demetria, both alone in the world.  They were both stripped of everything they had in the world and suffered greatly from poverty.

The Governor of Rome, Apronianus, summoned them to appear before him.  Demetria, after being interrogated, made a public confession of her Faith and then immediately after, fell down and died at the foot of the tribunal, in the presence of the judge.

Apronianus then gave orders for Bibiana to be sent to a wicked woman named Rufina.  Rufina tried to bring Bibiana towards another way of thinking, but Bibiana, using prayer as her shield, was invincible.

Apronianus was enraged at the courage and perseverance of this young virgin.  He ordered that she be tied to a pillar and whipped with scourges.  The whip they used was loaded with leaden plummets at the ends, causing the skin to have even bigger gashes than from a normal whip.  All through her scourging, she remained cheerful.  She finally died.

Children, try to follow the virtues of St. Bibiana.  Pray for fidelity and patience to see you through all your trials and hardships.  Don’t let the world’s vain pleasures lure you in, to try and distract you from your duty to God. 

As St. Bibiana prayed when she saw she was in danger, pray much, dear children.  Pray especially to our Holy Mother, who will lead you to her Son and ensure your eternal salvation, if you are faithful to her.

St. Bibiana, pray for us!


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