Eucharistic Crusade

Feast Day - June 5

St. Boniface was born at Crediton in Devonshire, England, in the year 680.  Some missionaries, who one day came to stay at his father’s house, spoke to Boniface of Heavenly things.  Boniface was inspired to devote his life to God, like these missionaries, and entered the monastery of Exminister, where he was trained for his apostolic work. 

St. Boniface went to Rome to obtain the Pope’s blessing, and returned with the authority to preach to the German tribes.  It was a slow and dangerous task and his own life was in constant danger.  His flock was reduced to poverty because of robbers who would wander the land.  But, because he trusted in God, he carried on this mission.  He traveled to many cities, destroying the idol temples, and raising churches on their site.  On one occasion, St. Boniface cut down a huge oak tree that was dedicated to a pagan god named Jupiter.  Using the wood from this tree, he built a beautiful Catholic Church and named it after St. Peter.

The Pope called St. Boniface back to Rome and made him a Bishop.  The good Bishop returned to Germany and continued his mission of building and extending the Church throughout the country.  With great care, he helped the clergy to be very strong Catholics and built religious houses throughout the land. 

St. Boniface appointed a successor to his monastery that he built, and set out to convert a new pagan tribe in Holland. 

While waiting to administer Confirmation to some newly baptized Christians, a troop of pagans arrived, armed with swords and spears.  St. Boniface’s attendants wanted to stop them, but the holy Bishop said to his followers, “My children, please do not resist; the long-expected day is come at last.  Let us put our hope in God. He will save our souls.”  He had just finished speaking, when the barbarians came forward and killed the holy Bishop.  Along with St. Boniface, they killed fifty-two of his followers and attendants.  The date was June 5, 755.  May God grant us the strength to remain faithful to His grace until our death; like good St. Boniface. St. Boniface is the Patron Saint of Germany.

St. Boniface, Pray for us!


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