Eucharistic Crusade

Martyr of the Month

Martyr of the Month

St. Theodore Tyro

Feast Day – November 9

St. Theodore was born of a noble family.  When he was still young, he enrolled in the Imperial army. 

About the year 306, the emperor put out a decree that all Christians had to offer sacrifice to the idols.  At this time, Theodore had just joined this army and marched with them into Pontus, when he had to choose between death and apostasy.  He marched up to his commander and declared that he was ready to be cut up in pieces and offer every limb to the Savior Jesus Christ, who had died for him.  The commander thought that if he just left Theodore alone for a while, he would be able to think it out and change his mind.

Theodore, using this freedom, set out to the temple of Isis and set it on fire.  He boldly made public what he had done. The commander then brought him before a judge.

The judge tried his hardest to get Theodore to renounce his faith, telling him that his life would be saved.  Theodore made the Sign of the Cross, and replied, “As long as I have breath, I will confess the name of Christ.” 

After a cruel torture, the judge told him to think about the shame to which Christ had brought him.

“This shame,” Theodore answered, “I and all who invoke His name take with joy.”

The enraged judge ordered him to be burned.  A Christian who was standing nearby, seeing Theodore burning, also saw his soul rise like a flash of light to heaven.

We, as Catholics, are enlisted in the same army as the holy martyrs, and we too must have courage and be constant to be perfect soldiers of Jesus Christ.  Let us take part with them in confessing the faith of Christ and despising the world, that we may have our part with them in Christ’s kingdom. 


Saint Theodore, Pray for Us.


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