Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954 By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


e) The Crusade and Devotion to the Sacred Heart:

Devotion to the Sacred Heart is devotion to the Heart of Jesus burning with love for men. But where else can Jesus be found on earth if not in the Eucharist, in this ineffable mystery, which is the most sublime manifestation of His love for men?

The two devotions without being identical call for one another. Was it not in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament that St. Margaret Mary had her revelations, and did not the Sacred Heart tell her to receive Holy Communion as often as she could?

Pray: the love that adoresin order to please the Father, reproduces in our daily life the thoughts, the affections and the acts of Christ.

Receive Communion: the love that consolesanswers by the personal gift of self to Christ's personal gift of Himself. "… They have nothing but coldness and rebuffs to give me in answer to all my eagerness to help them.”

Sacrifice yourself: the love that makes reparation, that accepts and even seeks for suffering in union with the great sacrifice of Christ, our mediator,

Be an Apostle: the love that redeems, the fire spreading fire, zeal for the reign of the Heart of Jesus, and the sa1vation of souls.

Let us note finally that the Crusade will not lose its special aim If it spreads to the young Captains who, in their meetings, want to show fidelity to the Sacred Heart and to learn in practice the life of the members of the League of the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart cannot be absent from a Christian Life any more than can the Holy Eucharist.

To be continued…


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