Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

The Dove and the Crow     


One day a Crow was flying around in a great hurry, looking for a drink of water. He looked and looked but there was no water to be found.  Just as he was about to give up looking and take a rest, he saw what seemed to be a glass of water.  But it was only a picture of a glass of water, that had been painted on a sign.

The Crow thought, “Ah, Water!  At last!” and took no time to think of what he was doing, but flew with all speed to the supposed glass of water.  Suddenly, he hit the board on which the sign was painted, and broke his neck and died. 

A Dove who was also thirsty and looking for water.  She too saw the sign, with the glass of water painted on it.  But the Dove was patient and cautious.   She thought, “I am thirsty it is true, but first I must check out this glass of water, to see if it is good.”

So flying closer to the “water,” the Dove saw that it was only a painted glass of water and not the real thing.  Then she noticed the Crow laying dead on the ground, just below the sign.  On examining the bird, the Dove realized that the Crow had not been watching where he was going, and had broken his neck by hitting the board. 

The Dove flew away and continued her search for water.  In time she saw a beautiful, clear stream.  She flew down to the edge of the stream and took a refreshing drink of water.  Then she took a rest in the branches of a large, shady tree and dozed off to sleep.

We can all learn something by this story.  How often are we in a great hurry to do things?  We don’t stop to think, and because we don’t think, we sometimes end up doing the wrong thing.  The Devil tempts us to picture in our mind, things that seem good…. How nice it would be to taste an apple hanging on the neighbour’s tree, or how nice it would be to go for a walk, instead of washing dishes, etc.

The Devil tricks you.  You think you know what is best, but your parents know better.  They would tell you, “Remember Tom, you should first ask the neighbour, if you can have a apple,” or “Remember Lisa, if you do your duties when you are told, you will form the habit of obedience,” etc.

So, don’t be in a hurry like the Crow.  Don’t rush into things, without thinking of what you are doing.  Be patient like the Dove!  God will reward you in Heaven for your virtues and good deeds, and in Heaven, you will be happy forever, with God and the Saints.


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