Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

Good Advice For Me 


During most of their young lives, children are receiving advice.  Some children take it and others do not.  Many children are stubborn and think they know what is best.  There are some children who will start an argument, no matter what they are told!  Advice from Priests, Nuns, Parents and Teachers is good.  Listen to them! 

Once there were three children, Mary (6), Johnny (7), and Peter (9). One summer day they went for a walk in the woods, but before leaving, their Mother told them, “When you hear the tower clock strike on the fourth hour, I want you to return home, and remember, don’t eat any berries, because you might pick the wrong ones.”  The children answered, “Yes, Mother,” and away they went.           

Before long, they reached a beautiful part of the woods.  They stopped to look at all the wild flowers and the pretty birds sitting in the trees.  In a short time they had picked some pretty Black-eyed Susans, some Daisies and some Violets, to give to their Mother.           

Suddenly Johnny spied some berries.  “I’ll just try a few.  I know these are Blueberries!” and he popped some into his mouth.             

Little Mary also saw some berries, “These must be rasp-berries!   I’m just going to try one!   I don’t think one will hurt me!”           

Just then, Peter looked and noticed the juice running down his brother’s mouth, “Johnny,” he cried, “you ate some berries!  Which ones did you eat?”  When Johnny showed him, Peter knew that they were not Blueberries.  He cradled Mary in his arms, “Come Mary, we must go home quickly, Johnny has eaten some strange berries!”           

As he ran home with little Mary in his arms, and Johnny at his side, he heard Mary crying, “My tummy hurts, I ate a red berry!”

Peter was home in a flash.  They all piled into the car, and Mother rushed the two sick children to the Hospital. But just as she got there, Johnny looked up at his Mother and cried, “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you and ate those berries,” and then he dropped dead at her feet.  The Doctor was able to save Mary, but she was sick for a long time.             

So my dear children learn from this story.  Will you be like Johnny, and not obey your Parents, will you be like Mary, and not obey your Parents, or will you be like Peter and obey your Parents?  Remember, if you obey your Parents, you are obeying God!  And, if you obey God during your life, you will go to Heaven. 


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