Eucharistic Crusade

Question Page


1. In what year was St. Thomas born?

2.What prophecy was made to the Countess Theodora?

3.What were the first words that St. Thomas spoke?

4.Where did St. Thomas go to school when he was a boy?

5.Which University did St. Thomas go to as a boy?

6.When St. Thomas was seventeen, what special thing did he do?

7.Why did the Countess lock St. Thomas in the castle tower?

8.What did Thomas memorize when he was in the tower?

9.What happened when Thomas begged God to grant him the gift of Purity until his death?

10.Who said that Br. Thomas would be heard through the whole world?

11.Where did St. Thomas go in 1245?

12.Which two saints obtained a degree, in 1248?  What was the degree?

13.In what year did they obtain their Doctor’s degree?

14. What five ideals did St. Thomas always use when he taught?

15.Which Pope asked St. Thomas to teach in the schools attached to the Papal Court?

16.In 1269, when Our Lord appeared to St. Thomas, what did He say?

17.On what date did St. Thomas lay down his pen?  Why?

18.Why did St. Thomas set out on a trip to Lyons in 1274?

19.On what date in St. Thomas die?

20.Why did St. Thomas write a special office for the Blessed Sacrament?


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