Eucharistic Crusade

Where have you been?

Dear Crusaders,

When the Child Jesus was found in the Temple, he said to His parents, "Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?" Jesus meant something like, "I was not going to be in a dangerous place, why did you worry about Me?"

Crusaders, do you think that your parents worry about you? If only your parents could always know with certainty, "My child is on the right path!" If only all children could say they would stay out of places that are occasions of trouble and sin.

I am afraid that many children cannot sincerely say that. Even St. Augustine, as a teenager, behaved so badly that his father had to pull him out of school. He stayed home, but still did bad things as he grew up. His mother, St. Monica, tried to help him, but he would not listen. His father made the situation much worse by laughing about his son's tricks.

Augustine's behaviour went from bad to worse. He was always hanging around with bad companions. The book about his conversion, The Confessions, relates one of his pranks as a child:

There was a tree covered with pears in a neighbor's field. Augustine and his friends waited until the neighbour was out and then shook the tree so that all the fruit fell to the ground. Augustine returned home late and his mother, Monica, said to him, "Son, where have you been? Why are you so late?" Augustine told her a lie to get away, but she noticed his shame.

Children, when your parents ask you the same question, would you tell the truth if you were out making trouble in the neighborhood, bothering people? Or would you stay silent, in shame. Or, would you truly be able to say that you were playing nicely with your friends?

Good parents always ask their children where they went, and what they did. If this is the case in your family, you should not be upset and think that they are interfering with you. Please thank God for the good parents you have, who are so zealous about doing their duty to help you get to heaven.
Never tell them a lie, follow their guidance. Maybe you will be able to say one day that, "during my youth, I was always about my Father's business."

Father Dominique Boulet


* On January 1st, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

* Send all correspondence to:

Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC
V1T 6G5



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