Eucharistic Crusade


1.In what year was St. Juliana born?

2.Where did St. Juliana receive her education?

3. For whom, did St. Juliana have a very special, and great love?

4.What did St. Juliana have a vision of?

5.Jesus wanted to set up what special Feast Day, for what part of the Church?

6. One reason why Jesus wanted this special Feast Day, was because reparation would ……. (give answer)

7.What happened in the year 1230?

8.What was the name of the priest that St. Juliana told, about her vision?

9. Who wrote up the first Office for the special Feast Day?

10. Which Superior did not accept St. Juliana’s ideas?

11. Which Bishop gave his approval to the new Office?

12. Who preached a wonderful sermon at St. Martin’s Church?

13. When and where did St. Juliana die?

14. What miracle did Pope Urban here about, while he was in Orvieto?

15. What did St. Eve do for the cause of the special Feast Day?

16. To whom, did Pope Urban give the task of writing up a new Office, for the special Feast Day?


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