Eucharistic Crusade

Martyr of the Month

St. Lucian

Feast Day – January 7


St. Lucian was born in Samosata, Syria.  He lost his parents when he was very young.  At the same time he received a great amount of worldly goods because his parents had left him their possessions.  He gave all his goods to the poor and went to live in Edessa.  There he lived with a holy man named, Macarius.  Macarius taught his young pupil all about the Holy Scriptures, and helped him to practice the Christian virtues.

In time, Lucian became a Priest.  He divided his time between the duties of the Priesthood, works of Charity, and the study of Sacred Literature.  He corrected the books of the Old and New Testament in the Bible, because some errors had found their way into the text.  Either, the copiers had made some errors by mistake, or some bad Heretics, (people who tell lies about the Catholic Faith), had changed the words of the Bible on purpose!  In doing this work, St. Lucian was preparing the way for St. Jerome, who shortly after, was to give to the world the Latin translation of the Bible, known as the “Vulgate”.

Lucian was a man of very great virtue.  At the height of the Arian controversy (argument), he was known as a great scholar, and a very saintly person.  During the persecution of Maximinus Daza, St. Lucian was arrested at Antioch.  He was accused of being a Christian, thrown into prison and tortured for twelve whole days.  Some Christians visited him on the Feast of the Epiphany, and brought bread and wine to him.  While bound and chained, and lying on his back, he said Mass and Consecrated the Bread and Wine. He then gave Communion to the faithful who were present. 

He continued living in the prison for a while.  At one time after making a speech in defense of the Catholic Faith, he was finally put to death.  He finished his holy life in prison, and died with the words, “I am a Christian”, on his lips.

In order to keep our Catholic Faith pure, we must study and learn the holy truths of our Faith.  We must always ask Jesus, Mary and Joseph to help us to be strong Catholics, until our death. 

St. Lucian, pray for us!


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