Eucharistic Crusade

The Carved image of Jesus

Dear Crusaders,

Many years ago, the king condemned a British gentleman, because he had committed a serious crime.  The man was sent for prison and had to stay in jail for the rest of his life.  What a terrible punishment!  The man was very upset.  He was crying out loud and cursing the king.  But, after a while, the gentleman calmed down, and did not complain any more about his misfortune.  Often, he was even found kneeling in prayer, in his cell. What happened?  You will see.

One day, he asked the guardian for a chisel and a hammer.  Maybe you think that he was planning his escape.  Not at all!  For months he was carving the stonewall of his cell.  Once completed, a beautiful image of Christ Crucified appeared on the wall.  The gentleman was so dedicated to his project that he really thought that the image on the wall had come to life.  That work had also transformed the soul of the man.  Now he joyfully accepted his state of life. 

Dear children, I also would like to put in your hands a hammer and a chisel.  This would be a good exercise for this time of the year, when we remember the terrible sufferings of Our Lord.  I would like you to carve an image of Christ Crucified in your heart.  Often, our hearts are cold, like the stonewalls of a jail.  Bars surround our hearts, and it is difficult for the sunrays of Divine Grace to penetrate.  Should our heart remain in such state for our whole life? No!

Lent and the weeks of the Passion, are the right times to receive from the Church, the image of Christ Crucified.  Meditate on the Passion of Jesus with great love and sorrow, and ask for the grace to be able to engrave Christ Crucified, deeply in your hearts.

Dear children, you should never forget what Jesus did for you. Carve deeply in your hearts, what He did out of mercy for you.  The Sacraments will be like a hammer and a chisel that you receive from the hands of the Church, to help you to carve within your hearts a beautiful image of Our Dear Saviour.

With my priestly blessing,

Father Dominique Boulet


* Only those who renewed on time will keep receiving this bulletin.

*On March 17th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

* Send all correspondence to:

Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC
V1T 6G5



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