Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954 By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


d) The Crusade and the Apostleship of Prayer:

Two words summarize the relation that exists between the Eucharistic Crusade and the Apostle- ship of Prayer. The Crusade 1st presupposes the Apostleship of Prayer; 2nd it perfects the Apostleship of Prayer.

1) The Crusade is an offspring of the Apostle-ship of Prayer: it is permeated with its apostolic spirit and its desire for reparation; it is inflamed with the same zeal for spreading the Faith, and the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart. Thus, the Crusade presupposes the Apostleship of Prayer, in the fullness of its three degrees:

The daily offering, the daily recitation of one Our Father and ten Hail Marys in honour of Our Lady,

The weekly or monthly Communion of reparation to console the Heart of Jesus.

Therefore it is impossible to be a Crusader without being a member of the Apostleship of Prayer.  In order to organize a centre of the Crusade it is necessary and sufficient that the centre be aggregated to the Apostleship of Prayer. The names of members should be inserted in the local Director's register.

2) The Crusade being a particularly fervent section of the Apostleship of Prayer is distinguished from it as the better from the good. The Crusade gives it a greater perfection. While it keeps as its basis the devotion to the Sacred Heart, the Eucharistic note is intensified. In the Apostleship of Prayer, Communion is a means of reparation; in the Crusade, it remains the perfect means of reparation, but it also become a source of energy and the centre towards which all else converges.

To be continued…


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