Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

How Much Do You Love Jesus & Mary?       


Many of you know about the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  It is an old picture, hundreds of years old, and it is famous throughout the world.  In the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we can see that the Virgin Mary looks very sad.  We can also see that the Child Jesus is frightened and looking at an Angel, who is holding a Cross.  Jesus is holding onto Mary’s hand, very tightly. 

There are two Angels in the picture: the one on the left, as you look at the picture, is St. Michael. The one on the right is St. Gabriel.  St. Michael carries the pot, which contains the vinegar, or gall that was offered to Our Lord by the soldiers.  In the pot are the lance and a reed, which has a sponge on top of it. St. Gabriel carries the Cross and the nails. And you will also notice, that one of Jesus’ sandals is falling off.

But what do all these things in the picture, mean?  The Angels come from Heaven carrying the Cross and the Nails, the Spear and the Lance.  Christ is frightened when He sees the vision of the Angels, so He holds tight to Our Lady’s hand.  I have also heard it said, that when the Child Jesus saw the Angels with the items of the Passion, He ran so fast to the arms of Our Lady, that He almost lost one of His sandals!

But, Christ did not suffer alone.  Mary was always at His side, suffering with Her Son, Jesus.  Mary, as well as Jesus, suffered the bitterness of the Passion, before it took place.  How, you might ask?  Shortly after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph went to the Temple.  There, the old Prophet Simeon held the Child Jesus in his arms, saying to Mary, “Thy own soul a sword shall pierce.”

It is very important to love Jesus and Mary, and to comfort them in their sorrows.  You will remember that Our Lady appeared at Fatima, showing her Immaculate Heart surrounded with thorns. Remember also, that Jesus suffers when we sin.  Think of it this way: when I commit a small sin, I place a crown of thorns on the head of Jesus.  And when I commit a big sin, I put a nail in the hand of Jesus.

If you want to make Jesus and Mary happy, then you must do penance for your sins.  Give up a glass of water when you are thirsty, be kind to your sister, sweep the floor for Mommy, or help Daddy clean up the car.  Jesus and Mary will help you be good, if you ask them to. 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us.


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