Eucharistic Crusade

Question Page


1. What were the names of St. Juliana’s parents?

2. In what year was Juliana born?

3. When still a baby, what were the first words that Juliana spoke?

4. Who was St. Alexius, and what special thing did he do?

5. What was special about the Servite Order?

6. On what special Feast Day did St Alexius and his other friends move to the village of Carmozia?

7. In 1239, when Our Lady appeared to the seven Servite Founders, what did she say to them?

8. Who did St. Juliana meet, when she was fourteen years old?

9. Why did Riguardata change her mind about Juliana’s vocation?

10. What type of religious Order did St. Juliana join? Why?

11. When did St. Philip die?

12. Juliana was always an Angel of Mercy, but from where did she get her strength?

13. Why did St. Juliana shed many tears?

14. What did St. Juliana do for the sick and the dead?

15. In what year did Juliana’s mother die?

16. What did the habit that the Nuns wore, look like?

17. What beautiful miracle took place, when St. Juliana was dying?

18. On what date and year did St. Juliana die?


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