Eucharistic Crusade

Martyr of the Month

St. Marinus & St. Astyrius

Feast Day – March 3rd


St. Marinus belonged to a noble family of Caesarea, in Palestine and had been an excellent soldier in the army. He was about to be honoured with the new title and position of “Centurion.”  Suddenly another soldier who was eager for the same position, rushed forward, crying out, “Marinus is a Christian, and he would not sacrifice to the Emperor!”

Marinus lost his new position and was immediately questioned by Achaeus, the Governor.  Marinus spoke up “Yes, I am a Christian and it is true, I did not sacrifice to the Emperor.”

Achaeus was very bold, “Then I give you three hours in which to change your mind and give up your beliefs.”

As Marinus left the judgment hall, he met Bishop Theotecnus of Caesarea.  The Bishop lead him to the Church and made him stand close to the altar saying, “Choose between the sword that you carry by your side, and the book of the Gospels.  Marinus immediately stretched out his hand and took the book of the Gospels, holding it firmly.  “Hold fast then to God,” commanded the Bishop, that strengthened by Him you may obtain what you have chosen!  Go in peace.”

Marinus returned to the judge stating firmly, “I am a Christian and I wish to remain so!”  He was immediately led away, to be killed.

St. Astyrius, a Roman Senator, was present at the martyrdom.  Taking off his cloak, he wrapped up the body of Marinus.  Astyrius carried the body away on his shoulders and buried it with great honour.  At a later time, Astyrius also became a martyr.


St. Marinus and St. Astyrius, Pray for us!


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