Eucharistic Crusade


Honour your Mother

Dear Crusaders,

There is a beautiful canticle that is sung in the month of May: “This is the month of May, the most beautiful month.  To the Blessed Virgin, let us sing a new canticle!”  Our ancestors have sung the praises of the Queen of Heaven for centuries.  One of them was Blessed Hermann Joseph, who lived in Cologne, Germany.

When Blessed Hermann Joseph was a young boy, he used to stop in a church every day on the way to school.  There, he greeted Jesus and Mary and asked them to bless him, but he was very poor and could not offer them anything.  So, when spring came, he offered them flowers from the fields. 

One day, he was given a nice red apple.  So he took it to church and knelt to the altar of Our Lady.   Hermann begged her to accept the apple.  Then a miracle happened.  The statue opened its hand and took the apple!

Children, could you also offer something special to Our Lady this month of May?  I know that some of you make altars at home in honour of Mary, with a beautiful statue of Our Lady and beautiful flowers.  We also have statues of Mary in all of our churches, where she waits for you to come to visit and praise her.

In another story about Blessed Hermann Joseph, one day he came into the church with bare feet.  It was a cold day, but his parents were so poor they couldn’t buy new shoes for him.  Our Lady asked him, “Hermann, why are you going barefoot on such a cold day?”  Hermann answered, “Because I have no shoes.”  Our Lady replied, “Look under that stone, you will find the money to buy a new pair of shoes.”

Dear children, if we were to know where such a stone was, we would go to see it twice a day!  But, the main altar of the church has more marvelous thing hidden.  It isn’t money, but something much more precious.  The church is the house of Jesus, where He stays day and night in the Blessed Sacrament, waiting to come to your heart with Holy Communion. 

If you honour the Mother of God, you will also honour her Son, Jesus Christ; a true child of Mary will also be a true child of God.  “Whoever will find me, will find life,” says the Holy Scripture about Mary. 

At the altar beside Mary’s, you will find very precious gifts.  Like Blessed Herman, you will find the shoes that will allow you to walk your way to eternal life, where the sun always shines, and the flowers always bloom.

One more thing: do not forget to say the prayer for the renewal of the Consecration of the Eucharistic Crusade to Our Lady, May 13th.

                                                                                     Father Dominique Boulet

  • On May 19th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

  • Send all correspondence to:   Eucharistic Crusade

                                                                   3012 – 37 Street     Vernon, BC V1T 6G5

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