Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954 By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


f) The Crusade and Catholic Action:

We must first of all take note of the intimate relationship between the Apostleship of Prayer and Catholic Action. Pope Pius XI said on December 25th, 1937, addressing the Directors of the Apostleship of Prayer: "A very obvious reason impels me to affirm one thing, and it is this (for the power of speech was not given to us to hide or to disguise our thoughts): if there has ever been a work that belongs to Catholic Action it is certainly and unreservedly the Apostleship of Prayer."

Speaking of the Eucharistic Crusade, the Pope had already said on the 26th of June, 1933, these authoritative words: "The Crusade is the primary school of Catholic Action; thus it has been called, and rightly so, for it is its apprenticeship."

In several countries, particularly in France, many bishops felt authorized by these words of the Holy Father to make the Crusade a real preparation for Catholic Action or as His Eminence Cardinal Villeneuve put it: "It is the first step of the organization of Catholic Action."

His Eminency Cardinal Paul-Emile Léger wrote on April 14, 1952: "Pius XII reminds us that Catholic Action must raise up all movements able to do good and to lead souls to Christ Jesus. So, I think that the presence of Captains (boys and girls) in our schools will be very helpful to Catholic Action since these movements of youth will allow our Crusaders to continue their spiritual formation by a formula which they already know."

In the Crusade, it is understood that formation will be the best mode of Catholic Action. Did not Pius XI counsel this: "It is important that these centres (of Catholic Action) be multiplied in all the schools and institutions, in which youth must be educated and prepared for Catholic Action."

To be continued…


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