Eucharistic Crusade

Question Page


1. Where did the miraculous picture of Our Lady come from?

2. What did the merchant say to his friend when he was dying?

3. What did Our Lady tell the Roman to do?

4. When the Roman did not listen to Our Lady, to whom did Our Lady speak to next? What did Our Lady say?

5. Who came to get the picture and which church did they take it to?

6. What for how many centuries did the picture stay in this place?

7. Why was the church and monastery of St. Matthew destroyed?

8. In what year, was Pope Pius IX, forced to sign a Peace Treaty?

9. Where did the monks go when the church and monastery of St. Matthew was destroyed?

10. Which two monasteries did Brother Augustine live in, before he was transferred to Santa Maria in Posterula?

11.What was the name of the young man who knew about the famous picture of Our Lady and joined the Redemptorists?

12.Why did two priests go to see Pius IX on December 11, 1865, and what were the names of these two priests?

13. On what date did the Redemptorists bring the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to their monastery?

14.On what feast day did the Redemptorists have a procession with the picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help?

15. Who was cured by Our Lady during the procession?

16.On what date was Our Mother of Perpetual Help crowned?


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