Eucharistic Crusade

Martyr of the Month

St. Stanislaus {1030-1079}

Feast Day – May 7th


Stanislaus was born in Poland, the land where the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Czestochowa is located.  He came as an answer to prayer to parents who were already quite old.  In thanksgiving, they educated their son for the service of God.  He was ordained a priest by Bishop Lampert.  The Bishop also asked him to be his Preacher and Archdeacon.

Many people came to receive spiritual help and good advice from the Archdeacon.  After Bishop Lampert died, Stanislaus was consecrated Bishop, in 1072.  St. Stanislaus corrected those who did wrong and would often visit the faithful.  His house was always crowded with the poor.  He was full of charity and often gave gifts to widows and those in need.

Poland at this time was being ruled by King Boleslaus II.  He was very impure and very cruel. When he carried off the wife of one of his nobles, the pure and gentle Bishop went to see the King saying, “You have done much wrong against God and the people that you rule.  I will excommunicate you if you continue in your sin, and you will no longer be able to receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church!”

The King was furious, “A man who could speak to his King in such a manner is more fit to be called a herd of pigs than a Bishop!  I refuse to let you speak to me in such a manner and I warn you, that if you do not leave me alone, I will use my power to control you!”

Later the wicked King slandered the Bishop.  St. Stanislaus had bought some land from a man named Paul, who died soon after the land was sold.  Boleslaus told the nephews of Paul to swear that their uncle had never been paid for the land bought by the Bishop.  Stanislaus stood in the King’s courthouse with no witnesses.   He promised the King, “I Will bring the dead man back to life to witness for me, within three days!

On the third day, after many prayers and tears, the holy Bishop raised Paul to life and led him in his grave-clothes before the King.  Boleslaus had a change of heart and led a better life, but only for a short while. The King returned to his sinful ways and St. Stanislaus excommunicated him.  Boleslaus was furious. 

On May 8, 1079, he went to the chapel where the St. Stanislaus was saying Mass and sent his soldiers in, to kill the holy Bishop.  Each of the soldiers came out saying that they had been scared by a light from Heaven!  Then the wicked King rushed into the chapel and killed the good Bishop, while he was saying Mass.


St.Stanislaus, Pray for Us!


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